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Soumya Varghese

/Soumya Varghese
Soumya Varghese 2023-06-15T05:27:18+00:00

Dr. Soumya Varghese

Associate Professor
Mobile Number: +91 9539063639
Date of Joining:12.03.2007
Association with Institution:Regular

ExaminationYear of passingDegreeSpecialisationName of Institution/University
B.Sc2002B.ScChemistryMahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
MBA2004MBAHRM and MarketingBharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Ph.D2022Ph.DHRM and Environmental ManagementCochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT)
Organization / InstituteDesignation Month and YearPeriod
Custom Weather Inc.Analyst and Sales Co-ordinatorJanuary 11, 19009 months
Department of Management, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering- Kadayiruppu,Ernakulum.LecturerJanuary 12, 19001 year and 7 months
St. Joseph's Business School, St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET) Palai- KottayamAssistant professorJanuary 14, 190014 years
Sl. Title of PaperName of JournalYear, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1Green Process Innovations and Green Product Innovations: An Environmental Management Strategy and Its Growth Phases in the Manufacturing Sector.International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and TechnologyVolume 9, Issue 3, March-April-2021, Online ISSN: 2395-602X | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 UGC Approved Journal No: 64011
2Green Process Innovation: An Efficient Manufacturing Strategy for Better FutureSouvenir of the National Conference titled Sustainable Development and Business: Managing Organizations of Tomorrow.First Edition August 2020, pp.75, ISBN 978-93-88465-48-9, A.K. Publications.
3Review on Environmental Performance Indicators Classification and its Challenges.Studies in Indian Place Names Vol.40, Issue No.3, February-2020, pp.7328 ISSN: 2394- 3114, UGC Care Listed Journal
4Role of Organisation Learning on the Adoption of Green Innovation Practices and its Impacts on Firm Performance.Studies in Indian Place Names Vol .40, Issue No.29, March 2020, pp.7-14 ISSN 2394-3114 UGC Care Listed Journal
5A Review on Green Innovation Practices and Its Impact on Various Performance Levels.Journal of the Gujarat Research SocietyVol.21, Issue 8, November 2019, pp.340-347 ISSN 0374-8588 UGC Care Listed Journal
6Internal Drivers that Influence the Adoption of Green Product Innovation Practices and their Impact on Manufacturing Firms.BSCAN, A peer-refereed Bi-annual Research Journal of Management and Socio-economic TransformationVol. 4, Issue No.1, January-June 2019, pp. 17-22. ISSN 2581-5237
7Eco industry and the Role of Green Innovation Practices on Environment Performance in the Manufacturing Sector.Erudition, The Albertian Journal of ManagementVol. 13, Issue No.1, January- June 2019, pp. 21-6 ISSN 0973-7839
8The Role of Manufacturing Sector for Emerging Economies and Sustainable Growth.SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management Vol. 12, Issue No.1, January –June 2019, pp. 19-22 ISSN 2394-8647
9Influence of Environmental Management Practices on Organisation's Environmental Performance. Symposium Proceedings on Advancing Sustainability Research and EducationJanuary 2015, pp.18, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore.
10Exploring the Relationship between Tourism and Environment for the Third World Development.Rajagiri Management Journal Vol. 7, Issue No.2, December 2013, pp. 98-103. ISSN 0972-9968
11Pedagogical Elements for Excellence in Higher Education.Conference Proceedings on Redefining Business Horizons.Volume 2,2013, pp 534, ISBN 978-93-81006-67-2
12Role of Innovations in Human Resource Management for a Sustainable Growth, Emerging Markets and Issues in Management.Conference Proceedings and Online Journal on Emerging Markets and Issues in Management -VIT Business School, VIT University.March 2012, pp-153, ISBN 978-81-921178-7-4.
13Focus on Biodiversity Conservation for Tourism Growth: The Need of Present Era. Research Journal of Business –DC
14Human Resource Management Practices for Environment Sustainability. Paradigm Shift in Innovative Business Management, CBA Publishers, Chennai pp.162-169,ISBN 978-93-80430-14-0
15Looking for New Perspectives of Excellence in Education. DEECEE School Journal on Organization and Management (Published Biannually)Vol.2, Issue No.1, September 2011, ISSN:0972-9003
16Strategic Issues in Women Empowerment Managerial Strategies for Excellence pp 308, SCITECH Publishers
17Environmental Protection: The Foundation for a Sustainable Society.SJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementVol.4, Issue No.2, January- June 2011


Sl. No.Title of the PaperName of the International ConferenceVenue & Date
1Work from Home: The Influencing Factors and its Impacts on Work-Life during Covid- 19.International Management Conference 2021.Centre for Management Studies-Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India from 21/5/2021 to 24/5/202.
2Review on External Motivational Drivers that Influence the Adoption of Green Innovation Practices and its Various Performance Impacts.1st Doctoral Colloquium on Management and Development (DOCMAD-2020).Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Gujarat from 04 /11/2020 to 07/11/2020.
3Role of Organisation Learning on the Adoption of Green Innovation Practices and its Impacts on Firm Performance. International Conference on the Human Capital Innovation and its Practices. Loyola College Chennai on
4A Review on Environmental Performance and its Indicators for Various Levels of Application.International Conference on Advances in Financial Markets and Services "FINCON 2020".Research and Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Thomas College, Thrissur in Association with Indo- American Chamber of Commerce on 3/1/2020 to 4/1/2020.
5Proactive Environmental Management Strategies for Sustainable Growth with special reference to Manufacturing Sector.International Conference on Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Social Development. Alagappa Institute of Management, Alagappa University on 26/9/2019 to 27/9/2019
6Eco-Industry and the Role of Green Innovation Practices on Environment Performance in the Manufacturing Sector in Albertian Knowledge Summit.International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research.St. Albert's College, Ernakulam on 18/01/2019.
7Factors Influencing the Adoption of EMP's and its Impact.Fifth International Conference on Managing Uncertainties of Business: A Socio-Cultural Approach (5ICON-2015)Loyola College of Social Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram on 30/10/2015 to 31/10/2015.
8Influence of Environment Practices on Organization's Environmental Performance.Symposium on Advancing Sustainability Research and Education.Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) on 5/1/2015 to 7/1/2015.
9Pedagogical Elements for Excellence in Higher Education.Conference on Redefining Business Horizons.Department of Commerce, Madras Christian University, Chennai from 18/9/2013 to 19/9/ 2013.
10Knowledge Worker: A Key to Building Competitive Advantage.2nd International Conference on Emerging Markets and Issues in Management.VIT Business School-VIT University, Chennai on 19/4/2013 to 20/4/2013.
11Role of HR Practices in Knowledge Workers. International Conference on Paradigm Shift in Innovative Business Management "PLACITUM 2012". Department of Management Studies, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Kolenchery on 16/11/2012 to 17/11/2012.
12New Trends Affecting the Organisation and Strategies to Manage Change.International Conference on Management Next: New Paradigms and Innovations. Berchmans Institute of Management - SB College, Changanacherry on 13/12/2011 & 14/12/2011.
13Integrating Biodiversity Conservation into the Tourism Sector: The Need of Present Era.International Conference on Responsible Tourism: Current Perspectives in Conservation and Economics.Postgraduate Departments of Economics and Zoology – Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha on 5/12/2011 & 7/12/2011.


Sl.NoTitle of the PaperName of the National ConferenceVenue & Date
1Green Process Innovations and Green Product Innovations: An Environmental Management Strategy and its Growth Phases in the Manufacturing Sector.Online National Conference on Trends & Technologies in Multi-Disciplinary Research (NCTTMDR-2021). A2Z Edu Learning Hub in association with the International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (IJSRST) on 20/3/2021.
2The Impact of Employee Wellbeing on Employee Engagement during Covid-19 with special reference to KPMG. National Conference on Evolving HR: Remote Learning and Employee Practices.Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management (LBSIM), New Delhi on 28/11/2020.
3 Green Process Innovation: An Efficient Manufacturing Strategy for Better Future. The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Sponsored National Conference on Sustainable Development and Business: Managing Organisations of Tomorrow. Department of Commerce, PGDAV College, (University of Delhi) in association with Department of Commerce and Delhi School of Economics (University of Delhi) on 18/8/2020.
4A Review on Innovation Strategies Focused on Product and Process Innovations for Better Environmental Performance. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Management and Information Technology. K.S.School of Business Management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 8/2/2020.
5Adoption of Environmental Management Strategies as an Impact of Stakeholder's Environmental Pressure.National Conference on New Paradigms of Management.Rajagiri Business School, Kochi on 28/1/2020.
6Internal Drivers that Influence the Adoption of Green Product Innovation Practices and its Impact on Manufacturing Firms.National Conference on Invasion of Technology in Marketing and Society. Department of Management Studies, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazakulam on 7/2/2019 to 8/2/019.
7Motivations that Drive Firms to Adopt Environment Management Practices and its Impact. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Innovative Management Strategies for Emerging Business Paradigms.SVR NSS College, Vazhoor on 17/09/2015 to 18/09/2015.
8Integrating Bio-Diversity and Tourism for the Third World Development.UGC Sponsored Two-day National Conference on Inclusive Innovation & Sustainable Growth: The Millennium Challenges. Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kochi on 30/8/2013 to 31/8/2013.
9Competitive Advantage and the Catalytic Role of Human Resource Innovations. National Conference on Transforming India's Competitive Advantage: Prospects and Challenges. School of Management and Business Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam on 25/2/2009 to 26/2/2009.
Sl. NoName of FDP/STTP/QIP/ WORKSHOP/CONFERENCESYear & Date (Duration)Organiser
1AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Emotional Intelligence. 2021 & 06-07/6/2021 to 11/6/2021 National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai.
2The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Sponsored 5-day FDP on Embracing Online Teaching and Learning.2021 & 3/5/2021 to 7/5/2021Department of Management Studies and Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology - Tiruchirappalli (NITT).
3AICTE Sponsored 5-day FDP Programme on Model Curriculum. 2021 & 15/3/2021 to 19/3/ 2021National Institute of Technology (NIT), Mizoram.
4National Conference on Learning Analytics.March 2, 2021Department of Management Studies & IQAC of Mar Dionysius College, Pazhanji.
5AICTE Sponsored 6-day Online Short-term Training Programme (STTP) on Guidance and Counselling. 2020 & 7/12/2020 to 12/12/2020 St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET), Palai.
6AICTE Sponsored One Week STTP under AICTE Quality Improvement Schemes (AQIS) on Engineering Ethics.2020 & 21/11/2020 to 26/11/2020Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Odisha.
7Six-day Online STTP on Neuroscience of Learning in Digitized Learning Environment on Neuroscience of Learning in Digitized Learning Environment under AICTE's Quality Improvement Scheme. 2020 & 2/11/2020 to 7/11/2020SCMS Cochin School of Business, Kerala.
8Rural Entrepreneurship Development (RED) Action Plan.Government of India.
9 Young Investors Awareness Programme as part of Global Money Week 2021 (GMW).Investor Awareness Division -SEBI Regional Office Securities and Exchange Board of India.
10Entrepreneurship Development Programme.2018 & 07/11/2018 to 9/11/2018St.Joseph's Business School and District Industries Centre.
11Introduction to SAS Business Analytics.2018 & 31/07/2018EPOCH Research Institute.
12Workshop on World Water day Entrepreneurship Awareness ProgrammeMarch 22, 2018Petroleum Conservation Research Association -Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.
13Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Recalibrating the Management Education Eco System of Kerala.2017 & 9/6/2017 to 10/6/2017 Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship (XIME)-Kochi.
14Workshop on Pursue ,Publish ,Prosper 2016 & 30/03/2016ISTE Staff Chapter of St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology (SJCET), Palai.
15Seminar on Green Development of Urban India.2015 & 27/7/2015Petroleum Conservation Research Association -Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.
16National Seminar on Corporate Sustainability A Panacea for Growth: Values, Convictions and Actions. 2014 & 17/10/ 2014Bhavan's Royal Institute of Management (BRIM) Kochi.
17International Conference on Innovative Practices for Business Excellence (IPBE 2013).2013&14/01/2013Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Kochi.
18Nature Education Camp for MBA students of Batch 2012-2014.2012 & 27/06/2012 to 29/6/2012 Kerala Forests and Wild Life Department in association with Periyar Tiger Reserve.
19Nature Camp Education for MBA students of Batch 2011-20132012 & 21/01/2012 to 23/01/2012Kerala Forests and Wild Life Department in association with Periyar Tiger Reserve.
20National Conference on Emerging International Business Order.2012 & 30/3/2012 to 31/3/ 2012School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology (SMS-CUSAT).
21National Conference on Technology, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management2012 & 22/02/2012School of Management, St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology-Kottayam.
22International Conference on Managing Challenges in the Emerging World Order and Winning Strategies for Sustainable Development. 2011 & 2/08/2011 to 3/08/2011Bharat Matha Institute of Management (BMIM), Kakkanad, Cochin.
23The University Grants Commission of India (UGC) sponsored National Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development in India: Challenges Ahead.2010 & 25/11/2010 to 26/11/2010Postgraduate Department of Economics-St. Dominic College, Kanjirapally.
24Nature Camp Education for MBA students of Batch 2009-2011.2010 & 28/1/2010 to 30/1/2010Kerala Forests and Wild Life Department in association with Periyar Tiger Reserve.
25Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility. 2009 & 24/07/2009 Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB)Centre for Corporate Governance and Citizenship in association with SCMS - Cochin, Kerala.
26 National Conference on Export Potential of Indian Defence Products.2008 & 3/10/2008Bhavan's Royal Institute of Management (BRIM), Kochi.
27Four-day Workshop on Research Methodology and Application of SPSS for Data Analysis.2008 & 11/6/2008 to 14/6/2008Albertian Institute of Management-Ernakulam.
28AICTE Sponsored Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) on Strategic HRM: Course Scope and Pedagogy Issues.2005 & 17/10/2005 to 21/10/2005T.A.Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal -Karnataka.