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Ignatius Korah

/Ignatius Korah
Ignatius Korah 2023-07-14T07:42:00+00:00

Dr. Ignatius Korah

Department of Science and Humanities
Mobile Number: 9447044199
Date of Joining: 08/01/2016
Nature of association: Regular

Sl.NoQualificationUniversityInstitutionYear of passingSpecialization
1BScKeralaSt.Thomas College ,Pala1976Physics
2M.ScKeralaSt.Thomas College ,Pala1978Electronics
4MPhilMahatma  GandhiUniversity2000Physics
5PhDMahatma  GandhiUniversity2008Physics

Teaching Experience : 36 Years

Sl. NoName of the college/IndustryDesignationExperience( Years & Months)   
1St.George’s College ,AruvithraProfessor33
2St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, PalaProfessor3
Sl. NoName of Training/WorkshopYear & Date (Duration)Organizer
1Refresher course in Physics07-06-94  to 30-06-94M G University ,Kottayam
2Refresher course in Physics24-02-1997 to   21-03-1997M G University ,Kottayam
3Workshop for restructuring curriculum in Degree courses.08-12-1997 to 12/12/1997M G University ,Kottayam
4Refresher course in Physics03-03-1999 to 26-03-1999M G University ,Kottayam
5Refresher course in Physics03-09-2002  to 27-09-2002M G University ,Kottayam
  1. National Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation.
    Duration- 19/09/2011-20/09/2011
    Organiser- St. Thomas College, Palai
  2. National Seminar on Vision 2030- Contribution of Educational Researches on National Development.
    Duration- 06/08/2015- 07/08/2015
    Organiser- St. Thomas College, Palai
  3. National Level Workshop on NIRF INDIA RANKING
    Duration- 21/11/2019
    Organiser- Marian College, Kuttikkanam (Autonomous)
  4. National Seminar on Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
    Duration- 28/10/2021- 29/10/2021
    Organiser- Mar Augustinose College, Ramapuram.
  5.  STTP on Guidance & Couselling
    Organiser- St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology
Sl. NoType of publicationNo. of publications
1International Journals4
2National Journals4
3International conference
4National Conference5
5Books/Book chapters/Monograph
International Journals
Sl.NoTitle of PaperName of journalYear, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1Thermodynamic feasibility study for chemical vapor deposition of some ternary crystals using iodine and hydrogen iodide.Crystal Research Technology   2005 40; No 9 P871-876
2The influence of metallic substitution on the physical properties of Manganese mercury thiocyanate crystals.Crystal Research Technology2007,42 No;3,P295-299.
3Growth and characterization of gadolinium samarium oxalate single crystals.Crystal Research Technology2007;42 No:10 ,P931-942
4Thermal studies on gadolinium cerium oxalate crystals grown in hydro-silica gel.S B Academic review2007 ;ISSN 0973-7464,Vol XIV. Part 1.P-125-127
5Growth and spectroscopic characterization of gadolinium neodymium oxalate crystalsSt. Thomas Academic Research and Studies (STARS) 2007;Vol I,No:2,P175-179;ISSN0973-7804
6Microwave dielectric studies of gel-grown crystals of gadolinium samarium oxalate, gadolinium cerium oxalate and gadolinium neyobymium oxalateSt. Thomas Academic Research and Studies (STARS)2009;Vol III,No:1,P81-87,ISSN0973-7804
7Growth and structural characterization of Gadolinium Neydymium Oxalate Crystals Grown in Hydro-Silica GelJournal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering2010,Vol 9;No:12,P1081-1086
8Studies on the effect of growth parameters on the quality and morphology of gel grown gadolinium samarium oxalate  crystalsSt. Thomas Academic Research and Studies (STARS)2011,ISSN0973-7804