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Sharon Justine

/Sharon Justine
Sharon Justine 2022-05-13T09:13:38+00:00

Prof. Sharon Justine

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9496300588

1M. TechCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MUNNARComputer and Information Science
2B. TechCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MUNNARComputer Science & Engineering
Sl.NoInstitutionPosition heldPeriod
1College of Engineering Munnar[CEM]Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering06-08-2018 to 05-12-2018,19-08-2019 to 30-11-2019 and 13-01-2020 to 30-07-2020

 International Journal Publications

  1. Published  a paper entitled A new Approach Towards Virtual Machine Scheduling: Evaluation of Three Different VM Scheduling Algorithms in International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering
  1. Participated in 2-week Faculty Development Program on Entrepreneurship at AJCE Kanjirappally.
  2. Attended Online STTP on “High Performance Computing and Deep Learning for Image and Text Analysis” conducted by mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology Thiruvananthapuram
  3. Attended Online FDP on “Let’s see what computer see” (A Gentle Introduction to Computer Vision) conducted by SIMAT Palakkad.
  4. Attended Online FDP on “Advanced Natural Language Processing” conducted by AWH Engineering College Kozhikode.
  5. Attended Online FDP on “Securing a Network Infrastructure” conducted by Muslim Association College of Engineering.
  6. Participated in online National level online workshop on “ICT Enabled Teaching and Learning- Opportunities and Challenges” conducted by Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology.
  7. Attended Online FDP on “Dive in to Big Data” conducted by SIMAT Palakkad.
  8. Attended Online FDP on “light to Data Science” conducted by SIMAT Palakkad
  9. Attended Online FDP on “Unlock the pandemic days with machine learning” conducted by SIMAT Palakkad
  10. Attended Online FDP on “IoT Protocols and Security” conducted by Toc H institute of Science and Technology
  11. Attended Online FDP on “Machine Learning Techniques for Brain Computer Interface Application” conducted by Karunya Institute of Technology and Science
  12. Attended Online FDP on “Chronicles of Drone: From then until now and Ahead” conducted by SIMAT Palakkad.