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Research 2025-03-27T04:10:13+00:00

Research@SJCET Palai

SJCET Palai enables faculty to work to their full potential by providing facilities for research which in turn enrich their teaching. SJCET Palai provides an environment conducive for research where faculty and students continuously update their knowledge. Several research projects are in progress which are funded by DST, AICTE

Rev. Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Professor & Dean of Research

The college is Research Centre of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU).Candidates qualifying the KTU’s Entrance procedure can join for Ph.D under the approved guide in the college

Research Supervisors under APJAKTU

Mechanical Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Civil Engineering

Master of Computer Applications

Science & Humanities

Funded Projects

Name of the research project/ endowmentName of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigatorDepartment of Principal InvestigatorYear of AwardAmount SanctionedDuration of the projectName of the Funding AgencyType (Government/non-Government)
Autonomous Wheeled Robot for Intelligent Supermarket RestockingMs. Lakshmi G(PI)
Mr. Jacob Thomas(Co-PI)
AD202422,0001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
Synthesis of photo curable
resin from cellulose
Dr.Jilse Sebastian(PI) Dr.Lijo Paul(Co-PI)ME202332,0001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
Smart Bed, A self adjustable
bed for bedridden patients to
Dr. Rajesh Baby (PI)
Dr.George Tom
Varghese (Co-PI)
ME202336,5001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
Dr. Bennet KuriakoseCE202350,0001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
SpecAssist - Live transcribing
Divya SunnyCSE202318,8351 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
Tool design and fabrication of Hybrid Electro Discharge Grinding MachiningMr. Ivin JoseME20231,20,0003 yearsCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-KeralaGovernment
Design of Low Complexity Digital Hearing Aid using Non-uniform Filter BanksDr.Tomson DavisECE20231,65,0003 yearsCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-KeralaGovernment
Student Mentorship ProgrammeSreesh P RECE20235,58,4601 yearIEEE Kerala Sectionnon-Government
Design,fabrication and implementation of Phase Change Materials(PCMs) based passive cooling system for thermal management of Li-ion batteries used in Electric VehiclesDr.Rajesh Baby(PI),Mr.Babusanker S(Co-PI)ME202215,10,6153 yearANERTGovernment of Kerala
Gesture based Device Controlling SytemDr. Praseetha V MCSE202216,3001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-KeralaGovernment
Development of an automatic height adjusting pillow to relieve chronic neck pain (cervicalgia).Dr.Rajesh Baby/ Dr.George Tom VargheseME/EIE202245,0001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-KeralaGovernment
Tool design and fabrication of hybrid electro discharge grinding set up for micro channelsMr.Ivin JoseMechanical Engineering202250,0001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
Borewell rescue robotDr. Madhukumar SECE202221,5001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
An Intelligent Device To Predict
Cloud Burst
Mr. Anto ManuelECE202221,5001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government of Kerala
Identification and classification of desease/pest infestations/nutritional deficiency in the south indian agricultural belt using AIMr. Sabarinath. GECE202212,35,0851 yearAI for Earth Microsoft Azure Compute GrantNon-Government
Design and development of patient specific biomedical devices using SLA additive manufacuring with bio plasticsDr.Lijo Paul(PI), Dr.Jilse Sebastian(Co-PI)Mechanical Engineering202217,10,0003 yearAICTE-RPSGovernment of India
Experimental Investigation of a Photo-Voltaic Thermal (PVT) collector integrated mixed mode solar dryer for drying cassavaMr.Dinu GeorgeMechanical Engineering20211,80,0003 yearsCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-KeralaGovernment
COVBOT- An IoT based intelligent wall mount multi-functional screening systemDr. Arun PECE202140,0003 yearsCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-KeralaGovernment
Design and developement of an Origami inspired Gripper for picking objects of variable geometryDr. Rajesh BabyMechanical Engineering202132,0001 yearCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government
Automatic Breaking system in Handicapped ScooterDr. Giby JoseECE202110,0001 yearCERD KTUGovernment
MEDIGLOVEMr. Anto ManuelECE20215,0001 yearCERD KTUGovernment
Ride Sharing PlatformDr. Joby P PCSE202110,0006 monthsKSCSTEGovernment
Medical Assistive Technology Robot (MAT Robo)Dr. Madhukumar .SECE202118,063.321 yearIEEE HAC R10 HTANon-Government
PREVENTIADr. Arun. PECE202113,1771 yearIEEE HAC R10 HTANon-Government
AILEDr. Arun. PECE202111,1001 yearIEEE HACNon-Government
Experimental Investigations on Nano enhanced Phase Change Materils for latent heat storage applicationsDr.Rajesh BabyMechanical Engineering202118,30,00036 monthsScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB) _ TARE FellowshipGovernment of India
Performance and emission analysis of Diesel engine fuelled with blend of biodiesel from waste cooking oil, pyrolysis plastic oil and dieselDr. Jilse SebastianMechanical Engineering202045,0003 MonthsCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government
Design and fabrication of Gasifier StoveDr. Rajesh BabyMechanical Engineering202050,0003 MonthsCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-Kerala (Student Project)Government
Text to speech Conversion for visually impairedKishore SebastianCSE202010,0006 monthsKSCSTE Fund Under students Project SchemeGovernment (KTU)
IoT based drowsy Driver warning SystemAshly ThomasCSE202010,0006 monthsKSCSTE Fund Under students Project SchemeGovernment (KTU)
MyGarageZoneSmitha JacobCSE20201,00,00012 monthsKerala Startup mission(IDEA GRANT)Government (KTU)
ECO-BINGinu Ann GeorgeEEE202010,0006 months(KSCSTE) Kerala state council for science technology & environmentGovernment
Efficient Big Data Processing using Neo4j GraphDBAlphonsa JohnyCSE202020,00,0005 YearsUGCGovernment
Efficient Big Data Processing TechniqueAlphonsa JohnyCSE202060,0003 yearsCERDGovernment
Experimental Investigations on Energy Efficient Buildings using Phase Change Materials in Tropical ClimateDr.Bennet Kuriakose (PI) and Dr. Rajesh Baby (Co-PI)Civil Engineering20191,00,0001 yearANERT, ThiruvananthapuramGovernment of Kerala
Investigations on Heat transfer Enhancement in Micro channel Heat sinksShiblemon K VMechanical Engineering20191,35,0003 YearsCERDGovernment
Phase change material (PCM) based thermal management of Li ion Battery: An experimental investigationMr. Anooplal BMechanical Engineering20191,20,0003 YearsCERDGovernment
Additive manufacturing of biodegrdable and photocurable elastomer and polymer-based compositesMr. Pradeep PVMechanical Engineering20191,40,0003 YearsCERDGovernment
Experimental Investigation and performance optimization of micro AJM processDr.Lijo PaulMechanical Engineering20181,30,0003 yearCERD, APJAKTUGovernment
Experimental investigations on performance and emission characteristics of CI engine fueled by plastic oil derived from polyethylene waste plasticDr. Jilse SebastianMechanical Engineering20181,40,0003 yearsCentre for Engineering Research & Development (CERD)- APJAKTU-KeralaGovernment
Development of PEMFC stack for domestic applicationsDr.Rajesh Baby/Justin JoseMechanical Engineering20186,00,0006 monthsANERTGovernment
3D printer filament from waste plasticDr.Lijo PaulMechanical Engineering201850,0001 yearCERD, APJAKTUGovernment

Research Scholars

S.NoName of the Research ScholarTopic of ResearchDiscipline/Area of ResearchName of the Supervisor
1Mr. Shiblemon K.V.Investigations on fluid flow and heat transfer in micro/ meso channelMechanical EngineeringDr. Binoy Baby
2Ms. Suma ROccluded Face RecognitionComputer Science and EngineeringDr. Joby P P
3Ms. Alphonsa JohnyEfficient Big data Processing TechniqueComputer Science and EngineeringDr. Joby P P
4Ms. Asha Alice KulavattomSelection techniques for cold form sheet profilesCivil EngineeringCo-Supervisor : Dr. Rajesh Baby
5Mr. Akhil SekharanSecurity Challenges in Data SharingComputer ApplicationsDr. Joby P P
6Mr. Pradeep P VRapid prototypingMechanical EngineeringDr. Lijo Paul
7Mr. Ivin JoseMicro MachiningMechanical EngineeringDr. Lijo Paul
8Mr. Dinu GeorgeInvestigations of hybrid PVT systems coupled with mixed type solar dryerMechanical EngineeringDr. Binoy Baby
9Mr. Babusanker SThermal management of Li-ion battery using Phase Change Material (PCM)based heat sinksMechanical EngineeringDr. Rajesh Baby
10Mr. Sachin JosePyrolysis of PlasticsMechanical EngineeringDr. Jilse Sebastian
11Ms. Juney M GeorgeBiomedical Signal ProcessingElectronics and Communication EngineeringDr. Madhukumar.S
12Mr. Justin JoseHeat PipesMechanical EngineeringDr. Rajesh Baby
13Mr. Anto ZachariasNano Enhanced Phase Change MaterialsMechanical EngineeringDr. Rajesh Baby
14Mr. Jiss Mohan KHigh Speed ConvertorsElectronics and Communication EngineeringDr. George Tom Varghese
15Mr. Sumithmon K SRecommendation systemsComputer ApplicationsDr. Rahul Shajan
16Jerine Joy SkariaIntegration of Renewable Sources into Ultra-Fast Charging Microgrids for Sustainable Electric Vehicle InfrastructureDept. Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDr. Tomson Thomas
17Bhanumati MohanRecommendation System with Adaptive AIComputer ApplicationsDr. Rahul Shajan


S.NoName of the AuthorYearLink to article / paper / abstract of the article
1Mr. Akhil Sekharan2023
2Mr. Akhil Sekharan2023
3Ms. Liz George2023
4Ms. Liz George2023
5Dr. Rahul Shajan2023
6Dr. Rahul Shajan2023
7Dr. Rahul Shajan2023
8Dr. Rahul Shajan2023
9Dr. Soumya Varghese2023
10Mr. Alex Chollackal2023
11Dr. George Tom Varghese2023
12Dr. Amrutha P. Thankachan2023
13Dr. B. Girinath2022
14Dr. B. Girinath2022
15Dr. Suma Mathew2022
16Ms. Rosin C. Jacob2022
17Lijo Paul2022
18Lijo Paul2022
19Babusanker S, Rajesh Baby2022
20Dr. Rajesh Baby2022
21Dr.Rajesh Baby2022
22Dr. Joby P P2022
23Athirasree Das2022
24Dr. Lijo Paul2022
25Neethu Joseph2022
26Jinta John2022
27Jenson Jose2022
28D Dalmiya Rajan2022
29Manish Jose2022
30Neethu Joseph2022
31Asha Alice Kulavattom2022
32Manish Jose2022
33Jinta John2022
34Manish Jose2022
35Dr K J George2022
36Ms. Liz George2022
37Dr. Rahul Shajan2022
38P. Arun, Dr. Madhukumar. S2022
39Ms. Deepa Joseph2022
40Ms. Deepa Joseph2022
41Ms. Jinta John2022
42Ms. D. Dalmiya Rajan2022
43Ms. D. Dalmiya Rajan2022
44Ms. Jinta John2022
45Ms. Jinta John2022
46Ms. Neethu Joseph2022
47Ms. Neethu Joseph2022
48Ms. Neethu Joseph2022
49Mr. Jenson Jose2022
50Mr. Manish Jose2022
51Ms. Asha Alice Kulavattom2022
52Ms. Jinta John2022
53Dr Bennet Kuriakose2022
54Dr Bennet Kuriakose2022
55Dr.Joby P.P2022
56Dr. Joby P.P2021
57Dr. Praseetha V. M, Dr. Joby P.P2021
58Dr. Praseetha V. M2021
59Dr.Praseetha V. M2021
60Prof. Mereen Thomas Vadakkel2021
61Prof. Bino Thomas2021
62Tomson Thomas2022
63Dr.Arun P, Dr. Madhukumar S2022
64Nisha J S2022
65Nisha J S2022
66Nisha J S2022
67Dr. Tomson Devis2022
68Dr. Arun P2022,this%20study%20has%20serious%20constraints.
69Dr.Arun P2022
70Shilpa Lizbeth George2022
71Dr. V P Devassia2022
72Dr. Nithin SS2022
73Dr. Joseph Purayidathil2021-2022
74Dr. Suma Mathew2021-2022
75Mr.Dawn Jose2021-2022
76Ms. Soumya Varghese2021-2022
77Mr. Dawn Jose2021-2022
78S Babu Sanker, Rajesh Baby2022
79Dr. Lijo Paul and Pradeep P V2022
80Dr. Lijo Paul2022
81Dr. Lijo Paul2022
82Dr. Rajesh Baby2022
83Dr. Rajesh Baby2022
84Nidhish Nidhiry2022
85Dr. Lijo Paul and Sachin jose2022
86B Girinath2022
87Dr. Amrutha P. Thankachan2022
88Mr. Jenson Jose2021
89Ms. Saranya M.S.2021
90Ms. Ance Mathew2021
91Dr Bennet Kuriakose2021
92Dr. Joby P P2021
93Dr. Joby P P2021
94Prof. Suma R2021
95Prof. Bino Thomas2021
96Prof. Mereen Thomas Vadakkel2021
97Prof. Ashly Thomas2021
98Prince V Jose2021
99Kishore Sebastian2021
100Dr. Praseetha V. M.2021
101Ginu Ann George2021
102Tomson Thomas2021
103Dr. Tomson Devis2021
104Nisha J S2021,rely%20on%20every%20video%20frame.
105Dr. Giby Jose2021
106Ms.Soumya Varghese2021
107Dr. Lijo Paul and Ivin Jose2021
108Dr. Lijo Paul2021
109Dr. Lijo Paul2021
110Dr. Lijo Paul2021
111Dr. Praseetha V. M.2020
112Dr. Gemini George2020
113Dr. Gemini George2020
114Prof.Bhagya Roy2020
115Prof. Kishore Sebastian2020
116Prof. Jubil Gea Joy2020
117Tomson Thomas2020
118Dr. Tomson Devis2020
119Dr. V P Devassia2020
120Dr. Suma Mathew2020
121Dr. Suma Mathew2020
122Dawn Jose2020
123Prof.Jeethu Mathew2020
124Ms. Ance Mathew2020
125Mr. Jenson Jose2020
126Ms. Tilba Thomas2020
127Ms. Ance Mathew2020
128Dr. Joby P P2020
129Dr. Joby P P2020
130Dr. Joby P P2020
131Dr. Praseetha V. M2020
132Dr. Praseetha V. M2020
133Prof.Smitha Jacob2020
134Kishore Sebastian2020
135Kishore Sebastian2020
136Suma R2020
137Suma R2020
138Mereen Thomas2020
139Sinu Maria Kurian2020
140Jikku Thomas2020
141Ginu Ann George2020
142Deepa Abraham, Manju Manuel2020
143P. Arun2020
144Deepa Abraham2020
145Dr. Arun P2020
146Dr. Arun P2020
147Dr.George Tom Varghese2020
148Ms.Soumya Varghese2020
149Ms.Soumya Varghese2020
150Soumya George,2020
151Bony John2020
152 B. Girinath2020
153B Girinath2020
154Dr. Lijo Paul2020
155Dr. Lijo Paul and Tom Zacharia2020
156Dr. Lijo Paul2020
157Dr. Lijo Paul and PV Pradeep2020
158Manju George, Dr. J Joseph2020
159Dr. J Joseph, Manju George2020
160Dr. Joby P P2019
161Jaimon Jacob, M.Sudheep Elayidom, V.P.Devassia,2019
162Dr. Arun P2019
163Nithin S S2019
164Nithin S S2019
165Ms.Soumya Varghese2019
166Jeethu Mathew, Dr. Jemima Priyadarsini R.2019
167Ms. Ance Mathew2019
168Ms. Mariamol Kuriakose2019
169Mr. Austin T. Sabu2019
170Dr. Joby P P2019
171Praseetha V. M2019
172P. Arun2019
173P. Arun2019
174Dr. V.P.Devassia2019
175Dr. V.P.Devassia2019
176Dr. V.P.Devassia2019
177M.P. Arun,S. Abraham Lincon,N. Prabhakaran2019
178Deepa V2019
179Ms.Soumya Varghese2019
180Ms.Soumya Varghese2019
181Soumya George2019
182Soumya George2019
183Soumya George2019
184Dr. Lijo Paul and Pradeep P V2019
185Smija Das2018
186Kishore Sebastian2018
187Kishore Sebastian2018
188Deepu Job2018
189Angitha George2018
190Bino Thomas2018
191Bino Thomas2018
192Jeena Thomas2018
193Prince V. Jose2018
194Prince Abraham2018
195Prince Abraham2018
196Praseetha V. M2018
197Praseetha V. M2018
198Jeena Thomas2018
199Jeena Thomas2018
200Ashly Thomas2018
201Sr. Elizebeth M J2018
202P. Arun, Madhukumar S and Careena P2018
203Tomson Devis, Manju Manuel2018
204Dr. Arun P2018
205Sabarinath G2018
206Dr.Arun P2018pdf (
207Dr.P. Arun2018
208Sreesh PR2018
209Justin Joseph2018
210Dr. Joseph Purayidathil2018
211Dr.Ajith K Thomas2018
212Dr.Ajith K Thomas2018
213B Girinath, Jalumedi Babu,2018
214Dr. Lijo Paul, PV Pradeep and Donald Antony2018
215Dr. Lijo Paul, Bibin P George and Ashwin Varghese2018
218Mr.Abyson Scaria2018
219Mr. Alex Chollackal2018