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Tomson Devis

/Tomson Devis
Tomson Devis 2024-07-18T03:52:54+00:00

Dr. Tomson Devis

Associate Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9446126652
Date of joining SJCET: 01/01/2007
Association with the institution: Regular

Sl.NoQualificationUniversityYear of passingSpecialization
1B.TechMahatma Gandhi2004ECE
2M.TechKerala2006Microwave and Television
3Ph. D.KTU2022Signal Processing

Date of joining SJCET                                   :            01/01/2007

• 16.5 YEARS (January 2007 – Present)
• Joined as Lecturer in January 2007
• Promoted to Senior Lecturer in November 2008
• Promoted to Assistant Professor in September 2009
• Handled all Communication Engineering subjects and labs in UG and PG
• Secured very good results in all handled subjects and labs
• Subject expert of Communication Courses in UG & PG

Sl. NoName of InstitutionType of MembershipMembership ID
1ISTELife MemberLM52529
2IEEEProfessional Member93940449
  • First Rank in Kerala state in Ph.D. entrance examination by APJAKTU in 2016.
  • Received the Research Fellowship from CERD for doing research at RIT Kottayam by APJAKTU in 2016.
  • AWSAR (Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research) Award for research scholars by Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India in 2019.
  • AWSAR Ambassador for disseminating research story/article writing since 2022.
  • Received a project funding of 1.65 Lakhs under Research Seed Money Scheme from CERD, APJAKTU in 2023.
  • Chief Coordinator of “International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Energy Systems” (AIES), at SJCET Palai in 2021.
  • Chaired a session on “Communication Systems” in the International Conference – Global Colloquium on Recent Advancements and Effectual Researches in Engineering, Science and Technology (RAREST 2018) at SJCET Palai, in 2018.
  • Chief Superintendent of Exams (APJAKTU and MGU) at SJCET Palai from 2021 onwards.
  • Three SCI Journal Papers at the time of PhD Thesis submission in 2022.
  • Reviewer of Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (SCI), Springer.
  • Reviewer of International Conference on Signal Processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT) at NIT Pondicherry, May 2023.
  • Completed all educational qualifications from Government Institutions, 1987 – 2022.
  • Delivered several training sessions on “LaTeX Document Preparation System” in various Engineering Colleges for UG and PG students.
  • Comprehensive Exam & Viva board member of many research scholars in APJAKTU.
  • Question Paper setter for various undergraduate courses under APJAKTU.
  1. Tomson Devis and Manju Manuel, “Design and Implementation of a Smart Costeffective Hearing Aid using Fractional Interpolated Filters,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 38(2): 397-412, 2022. (SCIE, IF: 1.142).
  2. Tomson Devis and Manju Manuel, “Hardware-efficient auto-reconfigurable hearing aids using 3-level octave interpolated filters for auditory compensation applications,” Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, Springer, 44(3):785-798, 2021. (SCIE IF: 7.099).
  3. Tomson Devis and Manju Manuel, “A low-complexity 3-level filter bank design for effective restoration of audibility in digital hearing aids,” Biomedical Engineering Letters, Springer, 10(4):593-601, 2020. (SCIE, IF: 3.920).
  4. Tomson Devis and Manju Manuel, “Multirate and Filter bank Approaches in Digital Hearing Aid Design: A Review,” IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 396(1):1-8, 2018. (SCOPUS).
  1. Tomson Devis and Manju Manuel, “A 17-Band Non-uniform Interpolated FIR Filter Bank for Digital Hearing Aid,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP-18), Chennai, pp. 456-460, 2018.(SCOPUS).
  1. Tomson Devis, “Design and Analysis of Coplanar fed Planar Ultra-wideband Antenna”, International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research (IJIFR), IJIFR/V2/E9/003, 2015.
  2. Tomson Devis, “Least Square and Least Mean Minimum Square Error Channel Estimation in OFDM: A Review”, International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research (IJIFR), IJIFR/V2/E11/001, 2015.
  3. Tomson Devis, “Gain Enhancement of Pyramidal Horn Antenna using EBG Technique”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET), Vol. 5, No. 5, 2015.
  4. Tomson Devis, “Highly Secure Scalable Compression of Encrypted Images”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol. 4, Issue 10, 2015.
  5. Priya Mathew, Lismi Augustine, Sabarinath G and Tomson Devis, “Hardware Implementation of (63,51) BCH Encoder and Decoder for WBAN Using LFSR and BMA”, International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT), Vol. 3, No. 3, 2014.
  6. Divya S Menon, Lal M J and Tomson Devis, “DSSS Based Radar Altimeter”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 9, 2013.
  7. Tomson Devis and Manju Manuel, “Multirate and Filter bank Approaches in Digital Hearing Aid Design: A Review”, 2nd International Conference – Global Colloquium on Recent Advancements and Effectual Researches in Engineering, Science and Technology (RAREST 2018) at SJCET Palai, 2018.
  8. Tomson Devis, “Planning and Implementation of Traffic Capacity Enhancement in Mobile Network”, National Conference on VLSI Design and Information Technology, April 2011.
  9. Tomson Devis, “Institutional Radio Broadcasting”, National Conference on VLSI Design and Information Technology, April 2011.
  10. Tomson Devis and David J, “An Automated System for Diagnosis of Hypertensive Retinopathy”, National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT), November 2006.
  1. Three-day hands-on Workshop on “Python Programming: A Communication Engineering Perspective” organized by IIIT Kottayam, May 2023.
  2. SERB-sponsored Six-day “High End Workshop on Methods for Creating a Quality Research Article: Software and Writing Perspective” organized by IIIT Kottayam, July 2022.
  3. ATAL FDP on ’Hands-On Workshop on Software Defined Radios’ organized by Shiv Nadar University Bombay, March 2022
  4. ATAL FDP on ’Wearable Devices’ organized by SJCET Palai, January 2022
  5. APJAKTU-sponsored FDP on ’AI and Data Sciences: A Pedagogical Approach’ organized by SJCET Palai, August 2021
  6. IETE sponsored FDP on ’Python for Engineers’ organized by Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Kannur, April 2021
  7. SERB-sponsored STTP on ’Advancements in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare’ organized by IIITDMK Chennai, February 2021
  8. ATAL FDP on ’Biosimilar Technology’ organized by Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Bombay, November 2020
  9. TEQIP sponsored STTP on ’Scientific Computing with Python’ organized by RIT Kottayam, November 2020
  10. AICTE sponsored STTP on ’Trends and Technologies in Antenna Design and its Research Scopes (Phase 2)’ organized by Toc H Institute of Science & Technology Ernakulam, September 2020
  1. AICTE sponsored STTP on ’Trends and Technologies in Antenna Design and its Research Scopes (Phase 1)’ organized by Toc H Institute of Science & Technology Ernakulam, August 2020
  1. AICTE-ISTE approved Induction Programme on “Antenna and RF Devices” organized by Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam in June 2018.
  2. One-week FDP on “Machine Learning” at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam in June 2018.
  3. Participated in the four-day 12th Winter School on Speech and Audio Processing (WISSAP) at IISc Bangalore in January 2017.
  4. Attended a two-day talk and hands-on session on “HMM Toolkit for Speech Recognition” at RIT Kottayam in August 2017.
  5. Attended a three-day FDP on “Image Processing using LabView” at RIT Kottayam in June 2016.
  6. Attended a two-day colloquium on “Recent Advancements in Signal Processing for Speech, Image and Communication (RASSIC’ 16)” at RIT Kottayam in August 2016.
  1. Attended a two-day FDP on “ARM Processors” at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam in January 2008.
  2. Attended a one-day Workshop on “Microprocessor and Microcontroller Development Tools, MEMS and Nano Technology” at SJCET Palai in August 2009.
  3. Attended a two-day ISTE sponsored Workshop on “Aakash for Education” organized by IIT Bombay at SJCET Palai in November 2012.
  4. Attended a two-day AICTE sponsored FDP on “Advanced Automobile Engineering” at SJCET Palai in May 2013.
  5. Attended a five-day STTP on “Electronics Education – A System Approach” at SJCET Palai in May 2011.
  6. Attended a one-day Workshop on “Maintenance of Lab Equipment” at SJCET Palai in October 2010.
  7. Attended a three-day Workshop on “Recent Trends in Microwave Technology” at Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi in May 2009.
  8. Attended a five-day STTP on “Computing, Simulation and Modelling in Electronics Engineering” at SJCET Palai in November 2008.
  1. Attended a six-day ISTE sponsored Induction Training Programme on “Teaching Excellence and Methodologies” at Maharajas Technological Institute, Thrissur in August 2007.
  1. Attended a two-week STTP on “ICT in Engineering Education” organized by College of Engineering, Trivandrum in March 2007.
  2. Attended one-day Workshop on “5G – Advanced Antenna design and analysis using Ansys HFSS” conducted by ARK Infosolutions in December 2022.
  3. Attended a two-week ISTE Workshop on “Technical Communication” organized by IIT Bombay at SJCET Palai in December 2015.
  4. Attended a two-week ISTE Workshop on “Control Systems” organized by IIT Kharagpur at SJCET Palai in December 2014.
  5. Attended a two-week ISTE Workshop on “Signals and Systems” organized by IIT Kharagpur at SJCET Palai in January 2014.
  6. Attended a two-week ISTE Workshop on “Analog Electronics” organized by IIT Kharagpur at SJCET Palai in June 2013.
  7. Attended a two-week ISTE Workshop on “Software Development Techniques for Teachers of Engineering and Science Institutes” organized by IIT Bombay at SJCET Palai in December 2011.
  8. Attended a ten-day DTE sponsored STTP on “ICT in Engineering Education” at College of Engineering Trivandrum in March 2007.
  1. Chief Coordinator of AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Energy Systems (AIES), at SJCET Palai in December 2021.
  2. Team member of IEEE Sponsored International Multi-Conference on Automation, Computing, Communication, Control and Compressed Sensing (iMac4s) at SJCET Palai in February 2013.
  3. Team member of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics (NCETE) at SJCET Palai in December 2011.
  4. Team member of National Conference on Advances in Communication Systems (NCACS) at SJCET Palai in March 2009.