Prof. Nisha J S
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9496468880
Date of joining SJCET:03/12/2008
Association with the institution: Regular
Sl.No | Qualification | University | Year Of Passing | Specialization |
1 | B.Tech | Kerala | 2006 | ECE |
2 | M.Tech | Kerala | 2008 | Signal Processing |
Teaching Experience : 10 years
Sl. No | Name of Institution | Type of Membership | Membership ID |
Sl. No
Name of Training/Workshop | Year & Date (Duration) | Organizer |
1 | Research Document Preparation Using LaTeX | 30-4 DEC 2015 | College of Engineering Trivandrum. |
2 | Advanced Digital Signal Processing | 18-22 NOV.2013 | TKM, College of Engineering, Kollam. |
3 | Recent trends in microwave engineering | 8-12 DEC 2014 | Barton hill Engineering college Trivandrum. |
4 | Signals and Systems | Department of ECE, SJCET. | |
5 | Analog Circuits | 4-14 June | Department of ECE, SJCET. |
6 | Recent advances in photonics technology | 26 Nov-1 Dec. | Barton hill Engineering college Trivandrum. |
7 | Teaching excellence and Methodologies | 25-30 may 2009 | GEC Thrissur |
8 | Electronics education a system approach | 2-6 May 2011 | SJCET Palai |
9 | Linux networking and administration | 9-12 Dec. 2008 | SJCET Palai |
10 | IOT | 13-17 JUNE 2018 | Aester India Pvt Ltd, Cochin |
Sl. No | Title/ Topic | Date & Duration | Sponsors |
1 | SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS | 2-12 JAN 2014 | MHRD |
Sl. No | Type of publication | No. of publications |
1 | International Journals | 3 |
2 | National Conference | 1 |
International Journals
Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
1 | Wavelet Based Design and Simulation of Brightness, Contrast and Resolution Enhancement of Satellite Images | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) | ISSN: 2278-0181. Vol. 2, Issue 11, November – 2013. |
2 | Design & Validation of SHA 224 IP core | IJCST | Vol. 5, Issue 3, July – Sept 2014. |
3 | A novel approach for image enhancement preserving brightness level using adaptive gamma correction | International Journal of Engineering Research &; Technology (IJERT) | Vol. 4, ISSN: 2278-0181. Issue 07, July -2015. |
National Conference
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference | Venue & Date |
1 | Human Motion Tracking Using SIR Particle filter | NCTTE | CET, TRIVANDRUM Nov. 2008. |