Prof.Binoy Baby
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mobile Number: +9447875050
Date of joining:12-09-2002
Association with the institution: Regular
Sl.No | Qualification | Board/University | Institution | Year of passing | Specialization |
1 | THSLC | Board of Technical Education Kerala | Technical High School, Perumbavoor | 1992 | Electrical |
2 | Diploma | Board of Technical Education Kerala | Govt. Polytechnic, Kalamassery | 1995 | Mechanical Engineering |
3 | B.E | Manormaniam Sundaranar University | Indian Engineering College, Nagarcoil | 1999 | Mechanical Engineering |
4 | M. Tech | Kerala University | College of Engineering, Trivandrum | 2002 | Propulsion Engineering |
5 | Ph.D | NIT Calicut | NIT Calicut | 2014 | Heat Transfer |
Sl. No | Name of the college/Industry | Designation | Experience |
1 | Atul Generators, Nunhai, Agra | Trainee Engineer | 6 Months |
2 | Motherson Auto Components Engineering (MACE), NOIDA, UP | Trainee Engineer | 6 Months |
3 | Binani Zinc Ltd., Binanipuram, Cochin | Trainee | 3 Months |
4 | St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai | Lecturer | 3 Years |
5 | St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai | Assistant Professor | 8 Years |
6 | St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai | Professor & Head | 5 Years |
7 | St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai | Professor & Dean | 1.5 Years |
8 | St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai | Professor & Head | Till Date |
Name of Institution | Type of Membership | Membership ID |
Indian Society for Technical Education | Life Member | LM 1608 |
Sl. No | Training/Workshop | Duration | Organizer |
1 | Teaching Excellence and Methodologes | 2002, Two Weeks | ISTE, Thrissur |
2 | Internal Audit | 2004, One Day | ACME Quality Management Services |
3 | Energy and Cryogenic Engineering | 2004, 2 Weeks | VIT, Vellore |
4 | Maintaining Quality and Relevance in Engg. Education | 2005, One Day | SJCET, Palai |
5 | Advances in Energy, Economy and Environment | 2007, One Day | NIT, Calicut |
6 | Micro/Nano Scale Phenomena | 2008, Two Weeks | NIT, Calicut |
7 | Nano Technology-Significance and Applications | 2008, One Day | SJCET, Palai |
8 | Strengthening Safety Envelop in Workplaces | 2008, One Day | SJCET, Palai |
9 | Competitive Manufacturing Management | 2009, One Day | NIT, Calicut |
10 | Energy Management-Challenges and Future Prospects | 2009, One Week | SJCET, Palai |
11 | Advances in Manufacturing and Production Management | 2009, Two Day | SJCET, Palai |
12 | Advanced Nanomaterials | 2011, One Week | NIT, Calicut |
13 | Computational Fluid Dynamics | 2012, 10 Days | IIT, Bombay |
14 | Engineering Thermodynamics | 2012, 10 Days | IIT, Bombay |
15 | Advanced Automobile Engineering | 2013, Two Days | SJCET, Palai |
16 | Fluid Mechanics | 2014, 10 Days | IIT, Kharagpur |
17 | Pursue, Publish and Prosper | 2016, One day | SJCET, Palai |
18 | ISO 9001:2015 Awareness | 2018, One Day | Zandiz TQM Solutions Pvt. Ltd |
19 | Training on Personal Protective Equipment and Basic First Aid Training | 2018, One Day | Arbrit Safety Solutions, Bangalore |
20 | Recent advances in Manufacturing Engineering | 2019, 5Days | APJAKTU & SJCET Pala |
21 | Recent Advances in Fuel Cells | 2019, 5Days | APJAKTU & SJCET Pala |
22 | Guidance and Counselling | 2020, 5Days | AICTE Sponsored , SJCET Palai |
23 | KTU FDP: Additive Manufacturing and 3-D Printing | 2021, 3Days | KTU, SJCET Palai |
International Journals
Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Publisher | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
1 | Investigations on Forced Convection in Compact Passages with Surface Irregularities | Heat Transfer Engineering | Taylor & Francis | 2012, Vol. 33 |
2 | Investigations on Forced Convection in Mesochannel with Irregular Cross-section | Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer | AIAA | 2013, Vol. 27 |
3 | Numerical Analysis of Forced Convection in a Mesochannel with an Irregular Geometry of Cross-section | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | Elsevier | 2014, Vol. 70 |
4 | Numerical Analysis of Flow through Mini Channel | European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology | 2015, Vol. 5,ISSN: 2394-658,2015, Vol. 5 | |
5 | Analysis of Flow through Rectangular Mini Channel with Irregularities | International Journal of Development Research | ISSN: 2230-9926,2015 | |
6 | Temperature Distribution Measurement by Michelson Interferometer | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, | 2016, Vol. 26 | |
7 | Measurement of Temperature Distribution around a Vertical Plate by Mach-Zehnder Interferometry | Procedia Technology | Elsevier | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
8 | Review on Performance Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Based Hybrid Drying systems | The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering | SSRN ( Yukthi-2021) | |
9 | Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Microchannel Heat Sinks | The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering | SSRN Electronic Journal (Yukthi 2021) | |
10 | Review on fabrication and experimental study of microchannel heat sinks for cooling of electronic components | Materials Today Proceedings | ELSEVIER | Volume 72, Part 6, 2023, Pages 2985-2991 |
National Journals
Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Publisher | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
1 | Design, Analysis and Fabrication of a Coconut Dehusking Machine | Journal of Engineering and Management | SJCET | 2015, Vol.8, ISSN: 2394-647 |
National Conference
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference | Venue & Date |
1 | Parametric Study and Thermal Evaluation of Hydrogen Cooled Thrust Chambers for Liquid Air Cycle Rocket Engine | Regional Conference on Engineering and Technology | College of Engineering, Thiruananthapuram, 2001 |
2 | Numerical Analysis of Flow through Mini Channels, , St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai | January 7, 1900 | SJCET, Palai, 2013 |
3 | Temperature Distribution Measurement by Michelson Interferometer | International Conference on Emerging Trend in Mechanical Engineering | Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, Ernakulam, 2015 |