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Dr. Jalumedi Babu

/Dr. Jalumedi Babu
Dr. Jalumedi Babu 2019-01-12T06:13:03+00:00

Dr. Jalumedi Babu

Professor& Dean of Research
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mobile Number: 8606557396
Date of joining :04-06-2011
Association with the institution: Regular

Sl.NoQualificationUniversityInstitutionYear of passingSpecialization 
1B.TechOsmania University, HyderabadOsmania university, College of Engineering1996Mechanical Engineering
2M.TechJNTU, HyderabadJNTU, Hyderabad2002Production Engineering
3Ph.DOsmania University, HyderabadOsmania university, College of Engineering2010Mechanical Engineering

Industrial Experience                                      :  2 years

Teaching Experience                                       :  12 years 5months

Sl. NoName of the college/IndustryDesignationExperience ( Years & Months)
1Sreenidhi Institute of Sciencea& Technology, Ghatkesar, HyderabadAssistant Professor7 years 4 months
2Sreenidhi Institute of Sciencea& Technology, Ghatkesar, HyderabadAssociate Professor4 years 8 months
3Sreenidhi Institute of Sciencea& Technology, Ghatkesar, HyderabadProfessor5 months
Sl. NoName of InstitutionType of MembershipMembership ID   
1ISTEPermanent MemberLM 104076
Sl. NoName of Training/WorkshopYear & Date (Duration)Organizer
1Turbo Machinery1st May to 6th May 2000.(6 days)SNIST, Hyderabad
2Finite Element Methods and its Applications11th May to 27th May 2000 (17days)CBIT, ISTE and SNIST, Hyderabad
3Welding Technology8thand9th December 2000(2days)Vasavi College of Engineering
4CNC Programming and Machine for One week29th January to 3rd February 2001()CITD, Hyderabad
5Effective Teaching Methodology7th May to 11th May 2001SNIST, Hyderabad
6Design for Manufacturability and Production Drawing Practice26th December to 30th December 2001CFDME and ISTE
7Energy conservation in engineering industries including foundries5th to 6th January 2002SNIST, Hyderabad V
8Casting defects and analysis9th to 10th February 2002SNIST, Hyderabad
9Casting design, gating and risering design of ferrous and non- ferrous castings9th to 10th March 2002SNIST, Hyderabad
10Metallography and foundry practice of ferrous metals6th to 7th April 2002SNIST, Hyderabad
11Virtual Casting Software Training26th & 27th August 2004Institute of Indian Foundrymen R&D Centre
12Casting Simulation4th to 13th July 2005Indian Institute of Foundrymen, R&D Centre
13Advances in Mechanical Engineering13th to 14th May 2005Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad
14Power Tools in Modern Workshop Practice27th September 2005JNTU College of Engineering
15Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering2-3 December 2005SNIST, Hyderabad
16National conference on Advances in Material Processing9-10 February 2007NIT Warangal
17Advances in Mechanical Sciences22-24 March 2007Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore
18Advances in Manufacturing Engineering22-26 October 2007MIT Manipal
19Non-Destructive Testing & Applications in Manufacturing Industries21-24 May 2008NIT Warangal
20Engineering Drawing using Auto CAD14-18 July 2008Infosys Technologies Limited. Mysore
21Strategies to Attain Exellence in Impact Making Research and Development” (SAEIMRD)3-4th Feb 2012NIT-C& NIT-K
22NPTEL31st Oct-1st Nov 2012NIT-Warangal
23Innovation and Patenting17-18 Sepember-2013Amal Jyothy College of Engineering and Technology
24FEEL Teacher12-14 December 2013St. Joseph’s College of Engineering& Technology, Palai
25NBA accreditation18-19 June 2018St. Joseph’s College of Engineering& Technology, Palai
Sl. NoType of publicationNo. of publications  
1International Journals25
2National Journals12
3International conference11
4National Conference11
4Books/Book chapters/Monograph3
International Journals
Sl.NoTitle of PaperName of journalPublisherYear, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1Welding processes for Inconel 718Material Science and EngineeringIOP Science2018(330) 012082
2Optimisation and selection of forming depth and pressure of box shaped Superplastic forming using grey based fuzzy logicMaterial Science and EngineeringIOP Science2018(330) 012086
3Experimental studies on Friction stir processing of AZ31 Magnesium alloyMaterials Today Proceeding’sElsevier Publications2018 (5) 4515–4522
4Improvement of surface finish and reduction of tool wear during hard turning of AISI D3 using Magnetorheological damperJournal of Scientific & Industrial ResearchNISCAIR Publishers2018: 35-40
5Application of the grey-based fuzzy logic approach for materials selectionInternational Journal of Materials ResearchHanser Publishers, Germany2017 pp 702-709
6Development of a comprehensive delamination assessment factor and its evaluation with high speed drilling of composite laminates using a twist drillIMechE Part B: J Engineering ManufactureSage Publications2017 pp-1-13
7Evaluation of strain and strain rates at different stages of Superplastic cone formingMaterials Today Proceeding’s Elsevier Publications2017 (4) 835–841
8A Digital image analysis to evaluate delamination factor after drilling GFRP composites using a Kevlar drill bitIndian Journal of Science & Technology2016 : 1-7
9Examination & Modification of Equivalent delamination factor for assessment of High speed drillingJournal Mechanical Science & TechnologySpringer Publications2016 :5159-65
10Development of Noise Reduction Panel Using Piezoelectric MaterialProcedia TechnologyElsevier Publications2016 (25) 1022 – 1029
11Assessment of delamination in drilling of laminate composite materials - A ReviewIMechE Part B: J Engineering ManufactureSage Publications2016:1990-2003
12Flow Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V subjected to multi-directional isothermal CompressionTransactions of Indian Institute of MetalsSpringer Publishers2015 Vol.68 (Suppl 1) S105-S108
13Low Temperature Superplasticity in Ti-6Al-4V by Grain Refinement through a Novel Route of Quench – Roll – RecrystalliseJournal of Materials Research &TechnologyElsevier Publications2015, Vol 4 (3) 348-352
14Experimental Studies on Thinning Characteristics of Superplastic Hemi-spherical formingInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE) Volume52015, ISSN 2250-2459, pp 104-09
15Experimental studies on effect of temperature and strain rate on deformation behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V using Taguchi methodInternational Journal “Procedia Material Science”Elsevier PublicationsVolume 6, 2014 pp 1121-30
16Experimental studies on effect of process parameters on delamination in drilling GFRP composites using Taguchi methodInternational Journal “Procedia Material ScienceElsevier Publications 2014 pp 1131-42
17Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Taguchi Grey Relational AnalysisInternational Journal “Procedia Material ScienceElsevier Publications2014 pp 1613-22
18Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Utility ApproachInternational Journal “Procedia Material ScienceElsevier Publications1.                  2014 pp 1863-72
19Design for Manufacturing (DFM) approach for Productivity Improvement in Medical Equipment ManufacturingInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE)2.                  2014, ISSN 2250-2459, pp 79-85
20Numerical Modelling of Propagation of the fundamental Symmetric Lamb Mode through a Metal Composite Adhesive JointInternational Journal “Procedia Engineering”Elsevier Publications3.                  2013 pp 426-434
21Optimization of Process Parameters in Drilling of GFRP Composites Drilled by an End MillInternational Journal of Recent Developments in Engineering and Technology (IJRDET)5.                  October 2013, ISSN 2347 – 6435 pp16-23
22Flow behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Subjected to Step Temperature Isothermal ForgingInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE) Volume2,Issue26.                  2012,pp 321-325 ISSN 2250-2459
23Experimental and Finite element analysis of Impact testing of Advanced ceramic compositesInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) India Research Publications Volume47.                  2011,pp 381-390, ISSN 0974-3154
24Static Analysis Of An Articulated Robot Manipulator Made Of Composite Materials Using FEAInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) India Research Publications Volume48.                  (2011) pp 373-380, ISSN 0974-3154
25Optimization of thickness variation of cone formed by Superplastic forming of Ti-6Al-4V AlloyInternational Journal of Mechanical Engineering.(IJME) Serials Publications Volume3,Issue2Serials Publications9.                  2010 pp193-197, ISSN: 0974-5823
National Journals
Sl.NoTitle of PaperName of journalPublisherYear, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1Formation of Bio-active gel from Bio-wasteSJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementJanuary-June 2017, pp 20-25
2Optimisation of forming depth and pressure of box shaped Superplastic forming using Desirability functionSJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementJuly-December 2016, pp 32-37
3Multi characteristic optimisation of High speed drilling of GFRP composite laminate using Taguchi method with DesirabilitySJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementJuly-December 2015, pp 14-21
4Multi characteristic optimisation of High speed drilling of GFRP composite laminate using Taguchi method with Grey relational AnalyisSJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementJanuary-June 2015, pp 30-37
5Simulation of Structural Noise Reduction Using Piezoelectric MaterialsSJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementJanuary-June 2014, pp 42-48
6A case study on electrical energy management in RADO tyresSJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementJanuary-June 2014, pp 31-35
7Delamination in drilling of GFRP composites-A ReviewSJCET Journal of Engineering and ManagementJuly-December 2013, pp 2-11
8Delamination studies in Drilling of GFRP Composites by using Taguchi methodIndian Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Research (IJMER)GBS PublishersNovember 1, 2013
9Finite Element Analysis of a Component Formed by Hydro FormingSJCET Journal of Engineering and Management Volume 51.                  January-June 2012 pp 17-20
10Design and analysis of two wheeler suspension systemSJCET Journal of Engineering and Management2.                  December 2011 pp 53-59
11Experimental studies of Gas pressure superplastic Cone Formingi- managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering Volume 1I Manager publications3.                  2011 pp 14-19, ISSN: 2230-9055 E ISSN: 2249-074
12Fine Grained Ti-6Al-4V Alloy through Multi directional ForgingIUP Journal of Mechanical EngineeringIUP publications4.                  November 2009 pp 42-47
International Conferences
Sl. No. Title of the PaperName of the ConferenceVenue & Date
1Design of Hydraulic power system for a special purpose 2-way Drilling MachineRecent Trends in Automation & its Adaptation to industriesPriyadarshini college of Engineering & Architecture, Nagpur, India July 11-14, 2006
2Super Plastic Cone Forming Of Ti-6Al-4V AlloyAdvances in Manufacturing Engineering24-26 October 2007,MIT, Manipal
3Dyanamuc analysis of an articulated robot arm by using FEAMechanical Engineering and Technology (ICOMET2012)20-21 Jan 2012at SJCET Palai, Kerala
4Measurement of Mechanical Threshold Hardness of Ti-6Al-4V from Low and High Temperature Static Indentation ExperimentsAMPC20136-8 Feb2013, Anna University ,Chennai
5Numerical Modelling of Propagation of the fundamental Symmetric Lamb Mode through a Metal Composite Adhesive JointDesign and manufacturing, Icon DM201318-20 July 2013 at Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing Kancheepuram, Chennai.
6Optimization Of Process Parameters In Drilling Of GFRP Composites Using KEVLARBOHRER SCD 56279 Drill BitInnovations in Design and Manufacturing10th January -11th January 2014 at Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala
7Experimental studies on effect of temperature and strain rate on deformation behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V using Taguchi methodMaterials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014)March 8-9 2014, Organizing by Gokarajurangaraju College of Engineering & Technology
8Experimental studies on effect of process parameters on delamination in drilling GFRP composites using Taguchi methodMaterials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014)March 8-9, 2014, Organizing by Gokarajurangaraju College of Engineering & Technology
9Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Taguchi Grey Relational AnalysisAdvances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering AMME-2014March 27-28,2014, Organizing by NIT-K
10Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Utility ApproachAdvances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering AMME-2014March 27-28,2014, Organizing by NIT-K
11Experimental Studies on Thinning Characteristics of Superplastic Box shaped formingAdvances in Manufacturing & Thermal Engineering8th -9th February 2016 at Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala
National Conference
Sl. No. Title of the PaperName of the ConferenceVenue & Date
1Evaluation of Multi-axial Stress-Strain Diagram for Gas Pressure Superplastic FormingAdvances in Mechanical Engineering13-14 May 2005 at Vasavi College of Engineering, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad
2Uni-axial and Multi-axial Compression of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for Grain RefinementTechnological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (TAME-2005)2-3 December 2005 at SNIST, Hyderabad
3Super plastic forming of Ti-6Al-4V at low temperature regimeAdvances in Material Processing9-10 February 2007, NIT Warangal
4Grain refinement & Enhanced Super plasticity Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Processed by Annealing followed by water quenchingAdvances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS 200722-24 March 2007, Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore
5Grain refinement of Ti-6Al-4Valloy by step temperature compressionAdvances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS 200926-27 March 2009, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
6Analysis of impact testing of advanced ceramic composites by using FEAEmerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (MTME-2005)3-4 July 2009 at SNIST ,Hyderabad
7Thermal Barrier Coatings for Gas-Turbine Engine Applications-A ReviewMechanical Engineering and Technology (COMET2013)17-18 June 2013at SJCET Palai, Kerala
8Optimization of Drilling Parameters in Drilling of GFRP Composites by Using a Special Drill BitMechanical Engineering and Technology (COMET2013)17-18 June 2013at SJCET Palai, Kerala
9Effect of the Process Parameters on Drilling-induced Delamination in GFRP CompositesNET 2014Government College of Engineering, Kozhikode, Kerala, August, 29-30, 2014
10Experimental Studies on Delamination in High Speed Drilling of GFRP CompositesNCTT 2014Government College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala, 22-23 August 2014
11Comparison of delamination factor models after drilling of GFRP composite laminate using a core drillRecent advances in Material Science & Manufacturing Engineering30&31st January 2015, organized by Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technolgy, Keesara (M), Chirala (V), Hyderabad, Telangana