Prof. Anooplal B
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9846950247
Email: anooplalb@gmail.com
Sl.No | Qualification | University | Year of passing | Specialization |
1 | B.Tech | Kannur University | 2007 | Mechanical |
2 | M.Tech | Anna University | 2012 | R & A/C |
Teaching Experience : 6 Year
Name of Institution | Type of Membership | Membership ID |
Sl. No
Name of Training/Workshop | Year & Date (Duration) | Organizer |
1 | SERC Winter School
Automotive Combustion Sytem |
2013,January 28th-30 | IIT Madras |
2 | Engineering Thermodynamics | 2012,December 11th to 21 | IIT Bombay |
3 | TIST School of Education & Leadership | 2013, June 24th to 28th | SJCET |
4 | Engineering Mechanics | 2013, 29th Nov-6th Dec | IIT BOMBAY |
5 | Petroleum Conservation and Petroleum Pricing | 2013,Sep5th and 6th | St.Thomas College Palai |
6 | Advanced automobile Engineering | 2013, may 17th and 18th | SJCET |
7 | Fluid Mechanics | 2014,May 20th to 30th | IIT Khraragpur |
8 | Modern Trends in Energy, Environment and Green Technology | 2014,April 21st to 25th | CUSAT |
9 | Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS | 22/6/2015-26/6/2015 | RIT Pampady |
10 | Pursue, Publish, prosper | 30th March
2016 |
ISTE Staff Chapter, SJCET Palai |
11 | Guidance and Counselling | 4th -8th December
2017 |
SJCET, Palai |
12 | NBA Accreditation | 18th & 19th June 2018 | SJCET, Palai. |
13 | Work shop on Safety | 29th June | SJCET, Palai |
14 | ISO 9001:2015 Awareness | 28th June 2018 | SJCET ,Palai |
15 | A Perspective in Machine Learning | 7th September 2018 | Mechanical Engineering Association ,SJCET, Palai |
16 | Renewable Energy-Opportunities and Challenges | 9th November 2018 | SJCET ,Palai |
Sl. No | Type of publication | No. of publications |
1 | International Journals | 4 |
2 | National Conference | 1 |
List of Publications
International Journals
Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Publisher | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
1 | Numerical Analysis of Flow Through MINI Channels | European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology | EJAT | 2015,Vol2
2394-658X |
2 | Analysis of Flow Through Rectangular MINI Channel with Surface Irregularities | International Journal Of Development Research | IJDR | 2015, Vol5
2230-9926 |
3 | Temperature Distribution Measurement by Michelson Interferometer | International Journal in Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology | IJIRSET | 2015,Vol4
2319-8753 |
4 | Investigation on Heat Transfer Properties of Nano-fluids Using Michelson Interferometry | International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology | IARJSET | 2013,Vol2
2393-8021 |
National Conference
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference | Venue & Date |
1 | Thermal Management Of Li-Ion Battery | Technological Advancement in Engineering | 16/3/2018 Payyanur |