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Ashly Thomas

/Ashly Thomas
Ashly Thomas 2022-05-26T09:18:16+00:00

Prof. Ashly Thomas

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9446803437
Date of Joining:13.09.2012

DegreeSpecializationInstitutionUniversityYear of Passing
B.EComputer Sc and EnggKarunya University, CoimbatoreKarunya University, Tamil Nadu2009
M.Tech.Network and Internet EngKarunya University, CoimbatoreKarunya University, Tamil Nadu2011
MBAHuman resource managementAlagappa UniversityAlagappa University2014

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, KottayamAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala(Doing)
Name of the College/IndustryDesignationDate of JoiningDate of Relieving
MES College of Engineering, KuttippuramAssistant Professor13th June 201112th September 2012
Name of the InstitutionMembership ID/No
ISTELife Member
  1. Two- Day ISTE e-seminar on “ Steps to research” by Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally
  2. One week ISTE workshop on “Computer Programming” by IIT Bombay
  3. One day ISTE e-workshop on “ Creative Teaching” by AmalJyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally
  4. Faculty Development programme on “ Instructional Design & Delivery System” at SJCET, Palai
  5. Two-day ISTE workshop on “ Aakash for Education” by IIT Bombay
  6. National Workshop on “Mobile Communications” at Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur.
  7. National Seminar on “Research Issues in Wireless Networks”, conducted in Kongu Autonomous Engineering College, Erode on September 2010.
  8. 3 day Workshop on ‘FEEL Teacher’ by College of Leadership and Human Resource Development at SJCET, Palai
  9. 5 days ISTE short term training programme on ‘Guidance and Counseling’ at SJCET, Palai
  10. 4 days training in IBM SEED software by IBM at SJCET, Palai
  11. 3 days Faculty Development Program on ‘Accreditation and Outcome Based Education’ at College of Engineering, Adoor.
  12. Completed NPTEL Course with FDP on “Introduction to Internet of Things” during July – October 2019
  13. Completed NPTEL Course with FDP on “Objet Oriented Analysis and Design” during Aug – Oct 2019
  14. Attended 5 days Short term Training Program on “Emerging AI Techniques in Data Analytics” at CUSAT during 12th to 16th of September 2020
  15. Completed NPTEL Course with FDP on Computer Networks and Internet Protocol during January- April 2020.
  16. Completed NPTEL Course with FDP on Computer Networks and Internet Protocol during January- April 2020.
  17. Completed NPTEL Course with FDP on Big Data Computing during September – November 2020.
  18. Attended 3 days Short Term Training Program on “Data Analytics and Biomedical Systems” at RIT, Kottayam from 08/03/2021 to 10/03/2021.
  19. KTU sponsored 5 days FDP on AI and Data Sciences: A pedagogical Approach from 9th to 13th August 2021.
  1. Ashly Thomas, N. Dhinakaran, P. Anitha Christy Angelin, “A-SMOCK: Authenticated SMOCK for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 19, Issue 6(I), April 2011. [ ISSN 0975 – 8887]
  2. Chaithannia T S, Ashly Thomas, “Different Enhancements for Flooding Scheme in Mobile Adhoc Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, February 2012
  3. Nisha P John, Ashly Thomas, “Prevention and Detection of Black Hole Attack in AODV based Mobile Ad-hoc Networks -A Review” , International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012.
  4. Chinchu Glaison, Ashly Thomas, “Image Fusion with Pyramidal Decomposition” in International Journal of Research in Advent Technology,
    Vol. 2, Issue 7, July 2014. [ ISSN 2321 – 9637] (Impact Factor 1.473)
  5. Greeshma S Chirayil, Ashly Thomas, “Security and Privacy Preserving with Service Consuming in Vehicular Cloud” International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology, Volume 4 Issue 4, 2016
  6. Aneesha Shaly George, Christy Shaji, Harikrishnan A, Jose Paul, Ashly Thomas, “Drowsy State Detection & Warning Using EAR and Shape Predictor_68_Facial Landmark” International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT), Volume 5, Issue 5, May – 2020, ISSN No:-2456-2165
  7. Mili Rafi, Sherin Mary Shaji, Ashly Thomas, “Certificate Management and Validation System Using Blockchain” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 05, May 2020
  8. Rithin Jose, Romal Roy, Roop Saji, Rose Maria M T, Ashly Thomas, “Ignis: Fire Detection and Mitigation System” in the International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 08 Issue: 06, June 2021, p-ISSN: 2395-0072
  9. Justine Francis, Subin M, Stebin Paul, Kichu Sebastian, Ashly Thomas, “IOT Assisted Electronic Device Controlling System” in the “Transactions on Innovations in Science & Technology”, Volume.5, Issue.1, 2021, pp.189-19, ISSN: 2456-5075
  10. AshlyThomas, N.V.Sobhana,”A survey on crime analysis and prediction“in the Materialstoday Proceedings, Volume 58, Part 1, 2022, Pages 310-315.
  11. Presented paper entitled ”A memory efficient and secure key management scheme for wireless ad-hoc networks”, in International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES 2011),
    February 2011 at S.A. Engineering College, Chennai.
  12. Presented paper entitled “Comparative study on LALR Parsing and Predictive Parsing in Assembler Development” at the “International Conference on
    changes and challenges in Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology & Social Sciences” held on May 2013.
  13. Presented paper entitled “A study on cost effectiveness and Security of VANET technologies for future Enhancement” at the International Conference on Global Colloquium on Recent Advancements and Effectual Researches in Engineering held on April 2016
  14. Presented paper entitled “Your Signature is Assured: Post Quantum Cryptography” at the International Conference ICCISCON held on April 2018
  15. Presented a paper entitled “A survey on crime analysis and prediction” at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Energy Systems held during December 2021.
  • Presented paper entitled “Comparative study on LALR Parsing and Predictive Parsing in Assembler Development” at the “International Conference on changes and challenges in Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology & Social Sciences”  held on May 2013.
  • Presented paper entitled ”A memory efficient and secure key management scheme for wireless ad-hoc networks”, in International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES 2011), February 2011 at S.A. Engineering College, Chennai.
  1. Received funding of Rs. 10,000/- for the project titled “IoT based Drowsy Detection and Warning System” from Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment [KSCSTE] during the academic year 2019 -2020