American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME-SJCET
The establishment of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering (SJCET), owned by the Diocese of Palai, Kerala, India was the fulfilment of a long-cherished dream of providing facilities for higher education in an international level and has started in 2002. The main objective is to develop a college with a distinct identity and character, where education and training are imparted for developing moral, professional and ethical values in aspirants. Every facility is provided in the campus to create an environment fully conducive to realize this objective. Discipline, hard work, positive thinking, commitment to excellence and abiding faith in the Almighty are the guiding principles that propel the college towards its vision of emerging as a Centre of Excellence in technical education in the country. Every talent and innovation is encouraged in the college in order to bring out the best in students. We meet practically all the national and international benchmarks stipulated for a world class engineering institution by undertaking consultancy works, promoting several in-house projects, conducting exhibitions for public, expert talks and conferences
The ASME SJCET student section was inaugurated in 25 January, 2018. Right from its inception, the section focused on:
- Providing training to the students’ to become experts in learning
- Encouraging innovation and excellence in students through various means.
- Promoting better career development opportunities and services for students.
- Arranging expert industrial and research lectures.
- Extending full support for all the national seminars and technical events in the college.
- Enhancing the self-confidence and self-esteem of students.
The ASME SJCET student section has a total of 47 members and currently we have received 50 more applications during the membership drive. Dr. Lijo Paul, Associate Professor, ME department is the staff advisor of the section. Programs were arranged under the leadership of an executive council having members from every batches of mechanical engineering department. The whole team is guided by the slogans “Excellence is our obsession” and “Synergy at work“.
The office bearers of the ASME SJCET student section of St.Joseph’s college of Engineering and Technology includes;
Student Section Chairman : Mr.Athul Shaji (S6 ME)
Student Section Vice Chairman : Ms. Eswari Krishna E S (S6 ME)
Staff Advisor Executive members: Dr.Lijo Paul, Associate Professor, ME Department
Secretary: Richy R Thuruthiyil (S6 ME)
Joint Secretary: Aravind R Rao (S4 ME)
Treasurer: Abhinav Binulal (S6 ME)
Documentation Head: Angitha Susan Mathew (S4 ME)
Publicity Head: Rahul Raju Paul (S6 ME)
Event head [ intercollege ]: Lino Raju (S4 ME)
Summary of Activities ASME SJCET Section 2017-18
- Pre Inauguration talk on Qulaity Analysis in Rolls Royce, Derby, UK by Mr. Abraham Tholath on December 20, 2017
- ASME SJCET Section Inauguration by Mr Antony Lulu Elias, CEO, Red Cap , Mumbai on 25th January 2018
- Technical Talk on Advances in Liquid propulsion system by eminent scientist from ISRO, Trivanrum, India, in March 21, 2018
- 3D Printing workshop for Engineering students and school teachers in March 24, 2018
Activity No 1: 20th December , 2017
The first program of the ASME SJCET student section was conducted on 20th December 2017 with Pre Inauguration talk on “Quality analysis in Rolls Royce”, by Mr. Abraham Tholath, Derby, UK. He demonstrated the Six Sigma Approach in Rolls Royce and motivated the students with his life journey on reaching his dream Job.
Activity No 1: 20th December , 2017
The first program of the ASME SJCET student section was conducted on 20th December 2017 with Pre Inauguration talk on “Quality analysis in Rolls Royce”, by Mr. Abraham Tholath, Derby, UK. He demonstrated the Six Sigma Approach in Rolls Royce and motivated the students with his life journey on reaching his dream Job.

Activity No 2: 25th January, 2018

ASME SJCET student section was Inaugurated on 25th January 2018 by Mr. Antony Lulu Elias, CEO, Redcap Engineering, Mumbai. Dr. Lijo Paul , ASME staff Advisor gave away the welcome speech. Fr. Mathew Koramkuzha (Manager ,SJCET) did the presidential address and Prof. Dr. Madhukumar [Principal In charge ,SJCET ] gave the felicitation during the programme. Mr Athul Shaji , ASME student chair gave vote of thanks at the end of the meeting .
The official meeting was called off by 10:35 am and soon an induction programme was carried out by Mr Antony Lulu Elias and Mr.Jithu Paulose [ASME silver award winner ]. This programme was mainly conducted for the sake of awareness to all about ASME. Around 100 students attended the meeting .During the session Mr. Antony talked about various job opportunities mainly in the field of petroleum industry, biomedical industry and piping industry . He talked about how much mechanics of fluids and hydraulics machines are important in the life of a mechanical engineer. Later the session was handover to Mr.Jithu Paulose. He talked about importance of ASME,carrier , opportunities , E-fest , online courses and every other spheres offered by ASME to the students . The induction programme was called off by 12:30pm. After the induction programme, there was a membership drive for students. It was called off by 12: 45.

Activity No 3: 21st March, 2018
It was a dream come true day for many and also the grand occasion in the milestone of ASME SJCET. 21st March 2018 , two scientists from LPSC, Thiruvananthapuram was a privileged day for all space aspirants. The Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) is a research and development centre functioning under Indian Space Research Organization. Mr.Alex A (General Manager ,MME,LPSC) and Mr. Binoy Joseph (Division Head ,CSE,LPSC) were the heading the s. Dr.K.Vijayakumar, Principal of SJCET inaugurated the s. Dr Binoy Baby, HOD of mechanical department, Dr . Lijo Paul, staff advisor of ASME SJCET and other teaching faculty members were also present.
Mr Alex A and Mr Binoy Joseph were both serving as scientists in LPSC Valiamala. LPSC Valiamala-This unit serves as LPSC headquarters, and is involved in research and development of Earth-storable and cryogenic propulsion for launch vehicles. It delivers engines, stages, associated control systems and components for launch vehicle and spacecraft

Mr Alex A, talked about cryogenic engine and different stages. He connected every single point with everyday life chores and simple examples. He gave as the knowledge about the engagement of LPSC in development of liquid and cryogenic propulsion stages for launch vehicles and auxiliary propulsion systems for both launch vehicles and satellites. Activities related to liquid propulsion stages, cryogenic propulsion stages and control systems for launch vehicles and spacecraft is done at Thiruvananthapuram. Mr.Binoy Joseph , talked about the development of fluid control valves, transducers, propellant management devices for vacuum conditions and other key components of liquid propulsion systems . Both of them talked with immense humbleness to make every point understandable for all. In every aspect it was a great opportunity to attend a session like this.
The talk began at 10 AM and concluded by around 12:45 pm . After the talks there was a interactive session which was a great opportunity for students to interact with technical experts from renowned institution of the country, ISRO. Students of mechanical engineering are benefited from the program.
Activity No 4: March 24, 2018
Another milestone in the history of ASME SJCET student section was the most powerful emerging field of technology – A one day 3D printing workshop. Mr. Sreenath P Polackal , CEO of EMI products lead the workshop session. The workshop started at around 10 AM . We have around 60 participants. The forenoon session gave a brief idea about 3D printing, its technology, machines used and all. The afternoon session is totally a practical session. Every participant got a chance to work with 3D printing software and everyone made their own drawings on the printer. A totally interactive workshop rather than a theory based workshop. The workshop was concluded by around 4:30 PM .

The ASME SJCET student section has a total of 103 regular members and 92 freshman membership (First years) in current academic year. Dr. Lijo Paul, Associate Professor, ME department is the staff advisor of the section.
The office bearers of the ASME SJCET student section of St.Joseph’s college of Engineering and Technology include;
Student Section Chairman : Mr.Noel Saji (S6 ME)
Student Section Vice Chairman : Ms. Angitha Susan Mathew (S6 ME)
Staff Advisor Executive members : Dr.Lijo Paul, Associate Professor, ME Department
Secretary :Edison George (S6 ME)
Joint Secretary :Sandra Susan (S4 ME)
Treasurer :Arjun Sarma (S6 ME)
Documentation :Naveen Francis (S6 ME)
Publicity :Abin Rajan (S4 ME)
- Technical talk on machine learning by Dr.Bijoy, Scientist , NASA, United States
- Alumni Tech Talk 1
- Alumni Tech Talk 2
- Training for HPVC in E-Fest by FISAT
- Tier-1 Competition for E-Fest Prelims
Activity No 1: September 7, 2018
Technical talk on machine learning by Dr.Bijoy, Scientist, NASA, United States
NASA! … a big dream of many , a man working associated with it may be seen as a man with ‘halo’. Same thing happened at SJCET campus on 7th September 2018. Dr. Bijoy V.T, research scientist, SSAI/NASA, Virginia, USA become a part of our golden history. As we all know ours is an upcoming section into this zone. A personnel from NASA to spend time with us is really a dream come alive experience .Dr. J David (Principal ,SJCET ) gave the welcome address , Dr.Lijo Paul (Associate Professor ,ME Dept) gave an introduction about the guest of honour Dr. Bijoy V.T , HODs of different departments , staff and around 200 students attended the sessions. Mr Sachin José gave the vote of thanks.
The technical sessions begin at about 9:30 am and were taken as 2 parts. The first part of the session was all about global climate change. Why is the climate change? The NASA earth observing system (EOS), EOSDIS (earth observing system data & information system), climate data- different formats, climate informatics and challenging problems for climate information was included. The second part of the session was about AI perspectives in machine learning. AIMachine learning- deep learning, different machine learning systems, clouds & earth’s radiant energy system (CERES), artificial neutral networks (ANNs) are also included. The session was concluded with a small part about various career opportunities for a graduating student in the current scenario.
A life beyond sky , dream that everyone see but only a few can come up to it .Let’s hope that some of us at least reach into those dreams .Hard work can make everything happen . As Michael Korda says “the more you can dream, the more you can do”.

Activity No 2: September 28, 2018
The ASME SJCET section would like to conduct a half day Technical talk on the Mechanical startup companies. One of our former student and Alumni of IIT Madras, Mr.Jacob Thekkekara, Co-Founder & CTO of Pi Beam Labs Pvt Ltd , Chennai , has agreed to conduct the same for our mechanical Engineering students. We would like to conduct the programme on September 28th , 2018 (Friday) from 11.00 to 12.45 PM. As it is said home is where our heart is. It’s being proved by our alumni tech talk series .Today (27/09/2018) we got the opportunity to interact with our alumni Mr Jacob Thekkekara through the technical talk on sustainable mobility.
Mr Jacob Thekkekara was our 2nd batch pass out. He is the CTO and co-founder of PiBeam that made an easy, quick and cost effective solution for moving loads. PiBeams’s developed the India’s first commercial solar pedal vehicle. PiBeams’s unique and innovative technology for battery powered, pedal assist three-wheelers provide an apt solution for freight and passenger applications in both off-road and on-road situations. It was also the first geared tricycle. He managed to handle the listeners by becoming interactive. The session gave a view about entrepreneurs in India. While he gave clear idea about successful entrepreneur in India, his batch mate gave the experience of becoming successful from a failure. The sessions was started by 11.15 am and get concluded by 1pm.

Activity No 3: October 9, 2018
As a beginning to the E-fest participation from our college an introduction to human powered vehicle challenge (HPVC), a session was conducted. On 09/10/2018 (4:30 pm – 6:45pm) students from FISAT ASME section lead the training program. Three students (Aftan, Yadhu & Krishna) and an alumni (Shyam) from the HPVC team of FISAT gave a brief idea about what is the competition. They also gave an overall idea about all the events taking place at E-fest Asia Pacific 2019. Around 100 students participated for the same.

Activity No 4: October 22nd, 2018

The ASME SJCET section would like to conduct a Technical talk on the Application Knowledge and carrier opportunities in Steam Engineering. One of our former M.Tech student, Mr.Dileep Cherian, Team Lead, Kerala Chapter, Forbes Marshall (P) Ltd, Pune, has agreed to conduct the same for our mechanical Engineering students. We would like to conduct the programme on October 22nd, 2018 (Monday) from 11.00 to 12.45 PM.
Activity No 5: November 23rd, 2018
The ASME SJCET student section conducted a paper presentation competition on 23-11-2018. Students have submitted a four page technical note for the same and the shortlisted papers are called for oral presentation. The winners are selected for Old Guard Competition in E-Fest 2019. Also ASME SJCET congratulated the two teams who got selection for HPVC competition in EFest Asia Pacific to be held in VIT, Vellore in February 2019.

- Technical talk on Advances in Manufacturing Industries across the globe by Mr.Manu M, United States
- Industrial talk on work culture by Mr.John M, Caterpillar , Chennai.
- Technical talk on Manufacturing Scenario by Jack Thomas, AIRBUS Singapore
- Technical talk on Automobile industries across the globe by Mr.Davis Jose, Technical Projects Manager, Subaru of America, Chesterfield, NJ, United States