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Divya Sunny

/Divya Sunny
Divya Sunny 2021-03-08T10:47:41+00:00

Prof. Divya Sunny

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9446327410
Date of Joining:21.08.2008

DegreeSpecializationInstitutionUniversityYear of Passing
B.Tech.CSEK.S.R College of Technology,ThiruchengodeAnna University,Chennai2005
M.Tech.Software EngineeringT.K.M.I.TCUSAT2012
Name of the College/IndustryDesignationDate of JoiningDate of Relieving
Model Polytechnic College,MattakkaraGuest Lecturer June 7, 2006March 30, 2007
Name of the InstitutionMembership ID/No
ISTELM 64512
  • Attended 4 days’ workshop on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Curriculum from 3rd to 6th Dec 2008.
  • Attended a workshop on ‘Linux Networking and System Administration’ on 9-12 Dec 2008.
  • Attended an International conference on Advances in communication Systems,6th and 7th March 2009.
  • Participated in BLITZKRIEG 09,Third National Level Technical Symposium organized by SJCET on 21st March 2009.
  •  Attended a training programme on ‘Professional Excellence ‘on 10th June 2009.
  • Completed a Short Term Training Programme for on “Research Trends in Embedded Systems and Signal Processing’, from 28 oct to 3rd Nov 2009.
  • Attended 5 days’ workshop on Advances in Image Processing at SJCET, Palai from 20-26 Nov,2009
  • Attended 5 days’ Induction training program on Teaching Excellence and Methodologies by ISTE from 25 -30 May 2009.
  • Attended 2 days’ workshop on Feel Teacher organized by College for Leadership & Human Resource Development at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Palai.
  • Presented a paper ‘Autonomous Agent Based Intrusion Detection & Response in Virtual Computing’ on National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing Technology on 17th Feb 2012.
  • 1 day ISTE e-workshop on ‘Creative Teaching’ organized by Department of CSE, Amaljyothi College of Engineering on 5th Oct 2013.
  • Attended an International Interdisciplinary conference at on Economics, Commerce, Management & Technology, Pune and presented a paper entitled “An error free encryption scheme for space application” on 1st June 2013.
  • A workshop “DBMS Ekalavya”  co-ordinated by IIT Bombay at SJCETA workshop  on “ Adhoc Networks Research Aspects and NS2 ” at SJCET, Pala on August 16th 2013.
  • Participated in a Two –Week ISTE workshop on ‘Computer Programming’ From May 20th to 15th June 2014.
  • Participated in ‘Steps 2 Research’, e-Seminar on 19-29 September 2014.
  • Presented a paper ‘Efficient and Secure Search over Encrypted Cloud Data using Document Ranking and Indexing’ at  the national conference on Recent Advances in computer science an  information Engineering’ held on 15 March 2014,organized by CSE,SJCET , Palai.
  • Participated in a Two –Week ISTE workshop on ‘Introduction to Design of Algorithms’ from 27th April to May 2015.
  • Attended an International Conference ICCEECON 2k15 on 22nd April ,2015 and presented a paper with title ‘A Review on Vampire attach depleting nodes energy in a network’.
  • Participated in a workshop ‘Pursue, Publish, Prosper’ organized by ISTE Staff Chapter, SJCET  on 30th March 2016.
  • Presented a paper titled ‘Obstacle Avoidance in Mobile Robotic Sensors and Establishing Connection’ in the International Conference-Global Colloquium on Recent Advancements and Effectual Researches in Engineering, Science and Technology 0n 22nd April, 2016.
  • Participated in ISTE STTP on Guidance and Counselling” organized by the ISTE Staff Chapter, SJCET on 4th to 8th  Dec 2017.
  • Presented a paper titled ‘ A Survey on software defined vehicular Adhoc Network’in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science  and Technology (ICITST-2018) organized by Surabhi  Institute of Science & Technology, Vellanad , Thiruvananthapuram 0n 27th November, 2018.
  • Presented a paper titled ‘A secure data management scheme for internet of vehicles’ in International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Digital Technologies(ICCTDT-2K19) ,  o11th and 12th April 2019
  • Published a paper entitled ‘An error free encryption scheme for space applications in International Journal of Advances in Management ,Technology & Engineering Sciences’ Vol ll,Issue 9(IV),June 2013
  • Divya Sunny & Anupa George ,’Synonym Based Ranked Secure Search Over Encrypted Data’ ,International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering(ISSN 2250-2459,ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal),Volume 4,Issue 7,2014,pp .258-264 .
  • Published a paper entitled ‘Efficient and Secure Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Using Document Ranking and Indexing’ in Recent Advances in Computer Scoence & Information Engineering ,March 2014.
  • Devika U K & Divya Sunny,’ Comparison Study Among Various Anomaly Detection Techniques’, International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology(ISSN (O) 2278-5841 ,ISSN (P) 2320-5156),pp.119-122.
  • Divya Sunny & Sherin Ann Sebi,’ Obstacle Avoidance and Restoration in Energy Efficiency in Mobile Robotic Sensors’, International Journal of Computer Science trends and Technology ISSN 2347-8578, Volume 4,Issue 4,2016.
  • Published a paper titled ‘Obstacle Avoidance in Mobile Robotic Sensors and Establishing Connection’ in Elsevier/ Procedia Technology 25 ( 2016 ) 364 – 371.
  • Published a paper titled ‘Automatic Image detection and Censoring on web pages’ in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET). Volume 7, Issue 6,  May 2020.
  • a paper titled ‘ A survey on deep learning algorithms’ in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET). Volume 7, Issue 5,  May 2020 ( S.No: 1145 .