About the Department
B. Tech in Electronics and Computer Engineering (ES) is a four-year professional undergraduate program was established in the year 2021 with an annual intake of 60 students.
Electronics and Computer Engineering is an integrated program, which particularly focuses on imparting skills in electronics hardware, software and IT, as required by the industry. The curriculum is organized in such a way that it enables students to build a solid foundation in various aspects of Electronic Circuits, Digital System Design, VLSI Design, Embedded Systems & IoT, Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming, Computer Networks, Database management Systems, etc.
Merging the two disciplines will offer a magnificent foundation in both subject areas and will prepare aspirants to a wide range of careers, in both or either of the fields. This cross-discipline study will aid in molding a multi-skilled professional engineer with meticulous understanding of fundamental concepts and techniques from these areas, opening path to establish an exceptional professional career.
Develop into a centre of excellence in Electronics and Computer Engineering by producing technically competent professionals catering to the needs for Industry, Academia and Society.
- To pursue continuous improvement in learning, creativity and innovation among both faculty and students by enhanced infrastructure, state-of-the art laboratories and a unique learning environment.
- To inculcate in both faculty and students technical and entrepreneurial skills by professional activities to create socially relevant and sustainable solutions in the electronics and computer domain.
- Graduate will be professionally successful in diverse career paths including supportive and leadership roles or will pursue higher education.
- Graduate will be receptive to new technologies and imbibe lifelong learning, professional and ethical values to provide suitable sustainable solutions in electronics and computer engineering.
PSO1: Ability to apply fundamental knowledge in Electronics and Computer Engineering to analyse and design hardware and software systems so as to understand and solve engineering problems.
PSO2: Ability to communicate technical information in both oral and written formats effectively.

Mentor System
Each faculty member in the department is assigned the complete responsibility of 30 students. This Faculty Mentor establishes a close relationship with students, orients them to college practices, follows their progress regularly and guides them throughout the four-year course. Employment of this idea has helped several students to solve the problems they face in the academics. Also this method helps the parents to keep track of their child and their academic performance.

Remedial Education
The students with backlogs have a heavy load as they must take exams simultaneously for both the new semester’s subjects as well as for the subjects they fail; and they cannot attend classes in the subjects they have failed. Thus, they do not get any additional teaching in the subjects in which they are weak unless they resort to coaching classes or other private means. This may in turn result in cumulative failures, leading some students to take more years to complete the four-year engineering course. To help our students from such situations, remedial classes are provided by the ES department during the month before the repeat exams, enabling the students to face the difficult papers with greater confidence and ease.

Placement Training
Department offers intense placement training on regular basis.

Learning Management System (LMS) designed to complement classroom instruction and engage students in online activities , assignments and discussions, examinations, wikies that allow for deeper participation inside and outside the classroom. Visit Here

NPTEL Local chapterNPTEL Local chapter
NPTEL is the largest repository of online courses in Engineering, Science & Humanities from India’s best Institutes. Students can experience class room like learning from the experts. SJCET Palai is now a Local Chapter of NPTEL. The students of SJCET can access all the courses of NPTEL even without an Internet connection. More than 350 + courses on Engineering, Science & Technology is available locally at SJCET Palai Server. The students can apply for scholarships provided by companies like Aricent. The students who pass the examination are also eligible for a certificate from reputed IIT’s.

Coursera Campus Response Initiative
Coursera’s mission is to transform lives through learning. To help minimize the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on students, the Coursera community is launching a global effort to assist universities and colleges to deliver courseware online. SJCET has joined in this initiative. Now our students can access 3,800 courses and 400 Specializations in Coursera absolutely free of cost.