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Heritage Museum

/Heritage Museum
Heritage Museum 2023-12-04T05:01:33+00:00

Heritage Museum for Science, Technology, and Culture was established in 2021. This museum is a testament to the evolution of various engineering disciplines and the rich culture of Kerala.

The Science and Technology section of the museum is meticulously organized under five fundamental engineering branches: Civil EngineeringComputer Science and Engineering, Electrical EngineeringElectronics and Communication Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Each section provides an elaborate description of the evolution of its respective field, offering visitors a comprehensive understanding of the advancements in these areas.

In addition to the engineering exhibits, the museum houses a separate section dedicated to Kerala’s culture. This section showcases several ethnic items such as the Kindi (a traditional water pot), Kolambi (a type of large cooking pot), Pakida (a type of swing), along with artifacts like typewriters and sewing machines, which are symbols of technological progress over time.

The museum is dynamic and ever-evolving, with regular updates to the exhibits in line with the advancements in the relevant engineering branches, ensuring that the content stays current and informative. This continuous addition of resources makes the Heritage Museum a living and growing entity, much like the fields it represents.