1 | International Journals | 25 | | |
2 | National Journals | 12 | | |
3 | International conference | 11 | | |
4 | National Conference | 11 | | |
4 | Books/Book chapters/Monograph | 3 | | |
International Journals | | | | |
Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Publisher | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
1 | Welding processes for Inconel 718 | Material Science and Engineering | IOP Science | 2018(330) 012082 |
2 | Optimisation and selection of forming depth and pressure of box shaped Superplastic forming using grey based fuzzy logic | Material Science and Engineering | IOP Science | 2018(330) 012086 |
3 | Experimental studies on Friction stir processing of AZ31 Magnesium alloy | Materials Today Proceeding’s | Elsevier Publications | 2018 (5) 4515–4522 |
4 | Improvement of surface finish and reduction of tool wear during hard turning of AISI D3 using Magnetorheological damper | Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | NISCAIR Publishers | 2018: 35-40 |
5 | Application of the grey-based fuzzy logic approach for materials selection | International Journal of Materials Research | Hanser Publishers, Germany | 2017 pp 702-709 |
6 | Development of a comprehensive delamination assessment factor and its evaluation with high speed drilling of composite laminates using a twist drill | IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture | Sage Publications | 2017 pp-1-13 |
7 | Evaluation of strain and strain rates at different stages of Superplastic cone forming | Materials Today Proceeding’s | Elsevier Publications | 2017 (4) 835–841 |
8 | A Digital image analysis to evaluate delamination factor after drilling GFRP composites using a Kevlar drill bit | Indian Journal of Science & Technology | | 2016 : 1-7 |
9 | Examination & Modification of Equivalent delamination factor for assessment of High speed drilling | Journal Mechanical Science & Technology | Springer Publications | 2016 :5159-65 |
10 | Development of Noise Reduction Panel Using Piezoelectric Material | Procedia Technology | Elsevier Publications | 2016 (25) 1022 – 1029 |
11 | Assessment of delamination in drilling of laminate composite materials - A Review | IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture | Sage Publications | 2016:1990-2003 |
12 | Flow Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V subjected to multi-directional isothermal Compression | Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals | Springer Publishers | 2015 Vol.68 (Suppl 1) S105-S108 |
13 | Low Temperature Superplasticity in Ti-6Al-4V by Grain Refinement through a Novel Route of Quench – Roll – Recrystallise | Journal of Materials Research &Technology | Elsevier Publications | 2015, Vol 4 (3) 348-352 |
14 | Experimental Studies on Thinning Characteristics of Superplastic Hemi-spherical forming | International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE) Volume5 | | 2015, ISSN 2250-2459, pp 104-09 |
15 | Experimental studies on effect of temperature and strain rate on deformation behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V using Taguchi method | International Journal “Procedia Material Science” | Elsevier Publications | Volume 6, 2014 pp 1121-30 |
16 | Experimental studies on effect of process parameters on delamination in drilling GFRP composites using Taguchi method | International Journal “Procedia Material Science | Elsevier Publications | 2014 pp 1131-42 |
17 | Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis | International Journal “Procedia Material Science | Elsevier Publications | 2014 pp 1613-22 |
18 | Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Utility Approach | International Journal “Procedia Material Science | Elsevier Publications | 1. 2014 pp 1863-72 |
19 | Design for Manufacturing (DFM) approach for Productivity Improvement in Medical Equipment Manufacturing | International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE) | | 2. 2014, ISSN 2250-2459, pp 79-85 |
20 | Numerical Modelling of Propagation of the fundamental Symmetric Lamb Mode through a Metal Composite Adhesive Joint | International Journal “Procedia Engineering” | Elsevier Publications | 3. 2013 pp 426-434 |
21 | Optimization of Process Parameters in Drilling of GFRP Composites Drilled by an End Mill | International Journal of Recent Developments in Engineering and Technology (IJRDET) | | 5. October 2013, ISSN 2347 – 6435 pp16-23 |
22 | Flow behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Subjected to Step Temperature Isothermal Forging | International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE) Volume2,Issue2 | | 6. 2012,pp 321-325 ISSN 2250-2459 |
23 | Experimental and Finite element analysis of Impact testing of Advanced ceramic composites | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) India Research Publications Volume4 | | 7. 2011,pp 381-390, ISSN 0974-3154 |
24 | Static Analysis Of An Articulated Robot Manipulator Made Of Composite Materials Using FEA | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) India Research Publications Volume4 | | 8. (2011) pp 373-380, ISSN 0974-3154 |
25 | Optimization of thickness variation of cone formed by Superplastic forming of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering.(IJME) Serials Publications Volume3,Issue2 | Serials Publications | 9. 2010 pp193-197, ISSN: 0974-5823 |
National Journals | | | | |
Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Publisher | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
1 | Formation of Bio-active gel from Bio-waste | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | January-June 2017, pp 20-25 |
2 | Optimisation of forming depth and pressure of box shaped Superplastic forming using Desirability function | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | July-December 2016, pp 32-37 |
3 | Multi characteristic optimisation of High speed drilling of GFRP composite laminate using Taguchi method with Desirability | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | July-December 2015, pp 14-21 |
4 | Multi characteristic optimisation of High speed drilling of GFRP composite laminate using Taguchi method with Grey relational Analyis | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | January-June 2015, pp 30-37 |
5 | Simulation of Structural Noise Reduction Using Piezoelectric Materials | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | January-June 2014, pp 42-48 |
6 | A case study on electrical energy management in RADO tyres | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | January-June 2014, pp 31-35 |
7 | Delamination in drilling of GFRP composites-A Review | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | July-December 2013, pp 2-11 |
8 | Delamination studies in Drilling of GFRP Composites by using Taguchi method | Indian Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Research (IJMER) | GBS Publishers | November 1, 2013 |
9 | Finite Element Analysis of a Component Formed by Hydro Forming | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management Volume 5 | | 1. January-June 2012 pp 17-20 |
10 | Design and analysis of two wheeler suspension system | SJCET Journal of Engineering and Management | | 2. December 2011 pp 53-59 |
11 | Experimental studies of Gas pressure superplastic Cone Forming | i- managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering Volume 1 | I Manager publications | 3. 2011 pp 14-19, ISSN: 2230-9055 E ISSN: 2249-074 |
12 | Fine Grained Ti-6Al-4V Alloy through Multi directional Forging | IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering | IUP publications | 4. November 2009 pp 42-47 |
| International Conferences | | | |
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference | Venue & Date | |
1 | Design of Hydraulic power system for a special purpose 2-way Drilling Machine | Recent Trends in Automation & its Adaptation to industries | Priyadarshini college of Engineering & Architecture, Nagpur, India July 11-14, 2006 | |
2 | Super Plastic Cone Forming Of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy | Advances in Manufacturing Engineering | 24-26 October 2007,MIT, Manipal | |
3 | Dyanamuc analysis of an articulated robot arm by using FEA | Mechanical Engineering and Technology (ICOMET2012) | 20-21 Jan 2012at SJCET Palai, Kerala | |
4 | Measurement of Mechanical Threshold Hardness of Ti-6Al-4V from Low and High Temperature Static Indentation Experiments | AMPC2013 | 6-8 Feb2013, Anna University ,Chennai | |
5 | Numerical Modelling of Propagation of the fundamental Symmetric Lamb Mode through a Metal Composite Adhesive Joint | Design and manufacturing, Icon DM2013 | 18-20 July 2013 at Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing Kancheepuram, Chennai. | |
6 | Optimization Of Process Parameters In Drilling Of GFRP Composites Using KEVLARBOHRER SCD 56279 Drill Bit | Innovations in Design and Manufacturing | 10th January -11th January 2014 at Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala | |
7 | Experimental studies on effect of temperature and strain rate on deformation behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V using Taguchi method | Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014) | March 8-9 2014, Organizing by Gokarajurangaraju College of Engineering & Technology | |
8 | Experimental studies on effect of process parameters on delamination in drilling GFRP composites using Taguchi method | Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014) | March 8-9, 2014, Organizing by Gokarajurangaraju College of Engineering & Technology | |
9 | Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis | Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering AMME-2014 | March 27-28,2014, Organizing by NIT-K | |
10 | Multiple Process Parameter Optimization of WEDM on AISI304 Using Utility Approach | Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering AMME-2014 | March 27-28,2014, Organizing by NIT-K | |
11 | Experimental Studies on Thinning Characteristics of Superplastic Box shaped forming | Advances in Manufacturing & Thermal Engineering | 8th -9th February 2016 at Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala | |
National Conference | | | | |
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference | Venue & Date | |
1 | Evaluation of Multi-axial Stress-Strain Diagram for Gas Pressure Superplastic Forming | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | 13-14 May 2005 at Vasavi College of Engineering, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad | |
2 | Uni-axial and Multi-axial Compression of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for Grain Refinement | Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (TAME-2005) | 2-3 December 2005 at SNIST, Hyderabad | |
3 | Super plastic forming of Ti-6Al-4V at low temperature regime | Advances in Material Processing | 9-10 February 2007, NIT Warangal | |
4 | Grain refinement & Enhanced Super plasticity Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Processed by Annealing followed by water quenching | Advances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS 2007 | 22-24 March 2007, Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore | |
5 | Grain refinement of Ti-6Al-4Valloy by step temperature compression | Advances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS 2009 | 26-27 March 2009, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore | |
6 | Analysis of impact testing of advanced ceramic composites by using FEA | Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (MTME-2005) | 3-4 July 2009 at SNIST ,Hyderabad | |
7 | Thermal Barrier Coatings for Gas-Turbine Engine Applications-A Review | Mechanical Engineering and Technology (COMET2013) | 17-18 June 2013at SJCET Palai, Kerala | |
8 | Optimization of Drilling Parameters in Drilling of GFRP Composites by Using a Special Drill Bit | Mechanical Engineering and Technology (COMET2013) | 17-18 June 2013at SJCET Palai, Kerala | |
9 | Effect of the Process Parameters on Drilling-induced Delamination in GFRP Composites | NET 2014 | Government College of Engineering, Kozhikode, Kerala, August, 29-30, 2014 | |
10 | Experimental Studies on Delamination in High Speed Drilling of GFRP Composites | NCTT 2014 | Government College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala, 22-23 August 2014 | |
11 | Comparison of delamination factor models after drilling of GFRP composite laminate using a core drill | Recent advances in Material Science & Manufacturing Engineering | 30&31st January 2015, organized by Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technolgy, Keesara (M), Chirala (V), Hyderabad, Telangana | |