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Jeeno Mathew

/Jeeno Mathew
Jeeno Mathew 2023-07-20T06:29:28+00:00

Dr. Jeeno Mathew

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mobile Number: 9495444970
Date of joining:01-06-2012
Association with the institution: Regular

Sl.NoQualificationUniversityInstitutionYear of passingSpecialization
1B.TechMG UniversityMACE Kothamangalam2006Mechanical
2M.TechMG UniversityMACE Kothamangalam2012Mechanical
3Ph.DMG UniversityMACE Kothamangalam2022Mechanical

Industrial Experience                                      : 3 years

Teaching Experience                                       : 7 years

Sl. NoName of the college/IndustryDesignationExperience ( Years & Months)
1Sharp Tanks and Structurals(P) LtdQC Engineer2 years
2College of Engineering PoonjarGuest Lecture1 year
Sl. NoName of InstitutionType of MembershipMembership ID
Sl. NoName of Training/WorkshopYear & Date (Duration)Organizer
1Soft skill development program2011, 7 daysM.A College of Engineering Kothamangalam.
2Teachers Induction Training Program, GEC Thrissur2012, 7 daysISTE Kerala
3Engineering Thermodynamics2012,10 daysIIT Bombay
4Workshop on SC Role Play Game2012,2 daysNIT Calicut
5Advanced Automobile Engineering2013,2daysSJCET Pala
6Innovation and Patenting2013,2daysPatent Information centre-Kerala
7Fluid Mechanics2014, 10 daysIIT Khargpur
8Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2015,12 daysAJCE Kanjirappally
9Technical Communication2015,2 monthsIIT Bombay
10Pursue, Publish, Prosper2016,1 daySJCET Pala
11Recent Metaheuristics methods2017,2 daysMACE Kothamangalam
12Training on NBA Accreditation2018,2 daysSJCET Pala
13Workshop by Dr. Bijoy V.T, Research Scientist,SSAI/NASA LaRC, USA.2018,1 daySJCET Pala
14Training Course on ISO 9001:2015 Awareness2018,1 daySJCET Pala
15Workshop on Renewable Energy-Opportunities and Challenges2018,1 daySJCET Pala
16Personal Protective Equipment Training2018,1 daySJCET Pala
17Interactive session with expert on renewable energy and fuel cells2018,1 daySJCET Pala
18NPTEL: Operations and Supply chain Management2019,12 week12 WEEK NPTEL COURSE, IIT Madras
19Recent Advances in Fuel Cells2019,5 DaysAPJAKTU & SJCET Pala
20Guidance and Counselling2020,5 DaysAICTE Sponsored , SJCET Palai
21KTU FDP: Additive Manufacturing and 3-D Printing2021,3 daysKTU, SJCET Palai
22Advanced Optimisation Techniques30-01-23-03-02-2023APJAKTU & SJCET
Sl. NoType of publicationNo. of publications
1International Journals5
2International conference5
3National Conference2
International Journals
Sl.NoTitle of PaperName of JournalPublisherYear, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1Supply chain logistics network optimization for minimizing cost, considering transportation damageThe International Journal on Mechanical Engineering and RoboticsIrd IndiaISSN-2321-5747
2A review on mechanical and microstructural Property evaluation of Aluminium 5083 Alloy weldmentInternational Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and DevelopmentTRANS STELLARISSN 2249-6890
3Multi Objective Optimization for Scheduling Repetitive Projects using GA Procedia TechnologyElsevier
4Optimization of Cycle Time in an Assembly Line Balancing ProblemProcedia TechnologyElsevier
5Resource Allocation in a Repetitive Project Scheduling Using Genetic AlgorithmIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330(2018)IOP
International Conferences
Sl. No. Title of the PaperName of the ConferenceVenue & Date
1Scheduling repetitive projects with optimization of project durationInternational conference on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing TechnologyTocH, Ernakulm 5th and 6th Sept. 2012.
2Optimization of SC logistics Network for minimum cost,considering product damage during transportationMechanical and Industrial engineeringIRD(India),Pune,Sept1,2013.
3Multi Objective Optimization for Scheduling Repetitive Projects using GARAERESTSJCET Pala,22-23 April 2016
4Optimization of Cycle Time in an Assembly Line Balancing ProblemRAERESTSJCET Pala,22-23 April 2016
5Multi objective optimization for scheduling repetitive projects using GAIIPDMCOSMARIISc Bangalore,20-21 Nov 2017
National Conference
Sl. No. Title of the PaperName of the ConferenceVenue & Date
1Scheduling Techniques for repetitive project industries-A reviewEmerging Trends in Mechanical EngineeringKLN College of Engineering,April 2,3-2012
2Experimental Analysis and Comparison of Carbon steel shaftEngineering Appropriate Technology September 20 and 21, 2014 at NSS Palakkad