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Jojin Thomas

/Jojin Thomas
Jojin Thomas 2023-08-23T09:26:58+00:00

Prof. Jojin Thomas

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9496803728
Date of Joining: 10/01/2011
Appointment: Permanent

Sl.NoQualificationUniversityInstitutionYear of passingSpecialization
1B.TechCalicut UniversityJyothi Engg. College, Cheruthuruthy2006Electrical and Electronics
2M.TechMahatma Gandhi UniversityRajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam2010Industrial Drives and Control

Industrial Experience                                      :           6 months

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai: Assistant Professor: 10/01/2011 onwards.

Sl. NoName of InstitutionType of MembershipMembership ID   
1Indian Society for Technical EducationLifetimeLM 90144
2IEEEProfessional Member93004714

Conference Publications

  • Thomas, M. Ramesh and A. Venkadesan, “Performance Analysis of a Single Phase Integrated Charger for Electric Vehicles,” 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), Kochi, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi:
  • Thomas, M. Ramesh and A. Venkadesan, “Analysis of a Single Phase Integrated Charger for EVs using Hysteresis based Control Strategy,” 2023 1st International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems (RISEE), India, 2023.
  • 12 days workshop on “DCS Fundamentals, Engineering & Maintenance” organized by Yokogawa India Limited at Yokogawa, Bangalore from 03/03/2008 to 14/03/2008.
  • 3 days workshop on “Prosafe RS PLC Overview” organized by Yokogawa India limited at Yokogawa, Bangalore from 17/03/2008 to 19/03/2008.
  • 1 day workshop on “Programmable Logic Controllers” organized by RIT, Kottayam on 25th May 2009.
  • 1 week industrial training at HMT Machine Tools Limited from 01/12/2009 to 15/12/2009.
  • 6 days ISTE induction training on “Teaching Excellence & Methodologies” at GEC, Trichur from 27/06/2011 to 02/07/2011.
  • 1 month workshop on “PIC Microcontroller Programming (8F Series)” at RIT, Kottayam from 01/07/2009 to 31/07/2009.
  • 9 days industrial training at RUBCO from 16/12/2009 to 24/12/2009.
  • 5 days industrial training at Hykon Power Electronics (P) Ltd. From 11/01/2010 to 15/01/2010.
  • 5 days industrial training at Southern Railway from 04/01/2010 to 08/01/2010.
  • 5 days STTP on “Research Domains in Power Electronics & Power Systems” organized by AJCE, Kanjirappally from 26/05/2011 to 30/05/2011.
  • 5 days training on “Train the Trainer” organized by Infosys, Bangalore from 01/06/2011 to 05/06/2011.
  • 1 month workshop on “Software Development Techniques for Teachers of Engineering & Science Institutes” at SJCET, Palai from 05/11/2011 to 04/12/2011.
  • 5 days ISTE induction training program on “Teaching Excellence and Methodologies for Teachers of Engineering Colleges” organized by GEC, Trichur from 27/06/2011 to 02/07/2011.
  • 2 days workshop on “Akash for Education” organized by IIT, Bombay at SJCET, Palai from 10/11/2012 to 11/12/2012.
  • 11 days workshop on “Analog Electronics” organized by IIT, Kharagpur at SJCET, Palai from 04/06/2013 to 14/06/2013.
  • 3 days workshop on “Feel Teacher” at SJCET, Palai from 12/12/2013 to 14/12/2013.
  • 5 days workshop on “Solid State Control of Electric Drives through ICT” organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh at SJCET, Palai from 21/07/2014 to 25/07/2014.
  • 5 days workshop on “Control Systems” organized by IIT, Kharagpur from 15/09/2014 to 19/09/2014.
  • 6 days workshop on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms” organized by IIT, Kharagpur at SJCET, Palai from 25/05/2015 to 30/05/2015.
  • 5 days tailor made course on “Solar PV Electrical Systems” organized by ANERT, Govt. of Kerala at APEX HI-TECH Institute, Bengaluru from 22/05/2017 to 26/05/2017.
  • 5 days ISTE STTP on “Guidance and Counselling” at SJCET, Palai from 04/12/2017 to 08/12/2017.
  • 1 day workshop on “ISO 9001:2015 Awareness” organized by ZANDIG TQM SOLUTIONS PVT LTD at SJCET, Palai on 28/06/2018.
  • Coordinator of One-week STTP on “Solid State Control of Electric Drives” conducted by NITTTR Chandigarh Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai from 21st July to 25th July 2014.
  • Coordinator of Two-week ISTE workshop on “Control System” conducted by IIT Kharagpur under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai from 2nd to 12th December 2014.
Name of Training/Workshop Organizing Institute Venue Date Duration
Hands-on training on Solar Study Lamp Assembly IIT Bombay MOOC 01 May 2019 to 31 Dec 2019 12 Week
Electric Vehicles – Part 1 IIT Madras MOOC February – March 2019 4 Week
Introduction to programming in C IIT Madras MOOC July – September 2019 8 Week
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan MOOC 04/04/2020 7 Week
Python Data Structures University of Michigan MOOC 08/04/2020 7 Week
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB Vanderbilt University MOOC 21/04/2020 9 Week
Programming Fundamentals Duke University MOOC 10/05/2020 4 Week
Python Basics University of Michigan MOOC 11/05/2020 4 Week
  • 12 weeks Hands-on training on “Solar Study Lamp Assembly” organized by IIT Bombay form 01/05/2019 to 31/12/2019.
  • 4 weeks course on “Electric Vehicles – Part 1” organized by IIT, Madras during February – March 2019.
  • 8 weeks course on “Introduction to programming in C” organized bu IIT, Madras during July – September 2019.
  • 7 weeks course on “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” organized by University of Michigan on 04/04/2020.
  • 7 weeks course on “Python Data Structures” organized by University of Michigan on 08/04/2020.
  • 9 weeks course on “Introduction to Programming with MATLAB” organized by Vanderbilt University on 21/04/2020.
  • 4 weeks course on “Programming Fundamentals” organized by Duke University on 10/05/2020.
  • 4 weeks course on “Python Basics” organized by University of Michigan on 11/05/2020.
Sl. No.Name of the CourseOrganizing InstituteVenueDateDuration
1DCS Fundamentals, Engineering& MaintenanceYokogawa India LimitedYokogawa, Bangalore03/03/2008 to 14/03/200812 Days
2Prosafe RS PLC OverviewYokogawa India LimitedYokogawa, Bangalore17/03/2008 to 19/03/20083 Days
3Programmable Logic ControllersRIT, KottayamRIT, KottayamMay 25, 20091 Day
4Industrial TrainingHMT Machine Tools LimitedHMT Machine Tools Limited01/12/2009 to 15/12/20097 Days
5Induction Training Programme on Teaching Excellence & MethodologiesISTEGEC, Trichur27/06/2011 to 02/07/20116 Days
6PIC Microcontroller Programming (8F Series)RIT, KottayamRIT, Kottayam01/07/2009 to 31/07/20091 Month
7Industrial TrainingRUBCORUBCO16/12/2009 to 24/12/20099 Days
8Industrial TrainingHykon Power Electronics (P) Ltd.Hykon Power Electronics (P) Ltd.11/01/2010 to 15/01/20105 Days
9Industrial TrainingSouthern RailwaySouthern Railway04/01/2010 to 08/01/20105 Days
10Research Domains in Power Electronics & Power SystemsAJCE, KanjirappallyAJCE, Kanjirappally26/05/2011 to 30/05/20115 Days
11Train the TrainerInfosys, BangaloreInfosys, BangaloreJune 1, 20115 Days
12Software Development Techniques for Teachers of Engineering & Science InstitutesSJCET, Palai05/11/2011 to 04/12/20111 Month
13Induction Training Program on Teaching Excellence and Methodologies for Teachers of Engineering CollegesISTEGEC, Trichur27/06/2011 to 02/07/20115 Days
14Akash for EducationIIT, BombaySJCET, Palai10/11/2012 to 11/12/20122 Days
15Analog ElectronicsIIT, KharagpurSJCET, Palai04/06/3013 to 14/06/201311 Days
16Feel TeacherSJCET, PalaiSJCET, Palai12/12/2013 to 14/12/20133 Days
17Solid State Control of Electric Drives through ICTNITTTR, ChandigarhSJCET, Palai21/07/2014 to 25/07/20145 Days
18Control SystemsIIT, KharagpurIIT, Kharagpur15/09/2014 to 19/09/20145 Days
19Introduction to Design of AlgorithmsIIT, KharagpurSJCET, Palai25/05/2015 to 30/05/20156 Days
20Tailor Made Course on “Solar PV Electrical SystemsANERT, Govt. of KeralaÄPEX HI – TECH INSTITUTE, BENGALURU22/05/2017 to 26/05/20175 Days
21Guidance and CounsellingISTE STTPSJCET, Palai04/12/2017 to 08/12/20175 Days
22ISO 9001:2015 AwarenessZANDIG TQM SOLUTIONS PVT LTDSJCET, PalaiJune 28, 20181 Day
23Hands-on training on Solar Study Lamp AssemblyIIT BombayMOOC01 May 2019 to 31 Dec 201912 Week
24Electric Vehicles - Part 1IIT MadrasMOOCFebruary – March 20194 Week
25Introduction to programming in CIIT MadrasMOOCJuly – September 20198 Week
26Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)University of MichiganMOOC04/04/20207 Week
27Python Data StructuresUniversity of MichiganMOOC08/04/20207 Week
28Introduction to Programming with MATLABVanderbilt UniversityMOOC21/04/20209 Week
29Programming FundamentalsDuke UniversityMOOC10/05/20204 Week
30Python BasicsUniversity of MichiganMOOC11/05/20204 Week
  • Power Electronics, Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure, Renewable Energy and Power Quality, etc.