Prof. Juney M George
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 8129194274
Email: juneymgeorge@sjcetpalai.ac.in
Date of joining SJCET: 18/01/2011
Association with the institution: Regular
Sl.No | Qualification | University | Institution | Year of passing | Specialization |
2 | M.Tech | Anna University Thirunelveli | PSN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY | 2011 | Embedded System Technologies |
3 | Ph.D | APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University | SJCET, Palai | Pursuing (partime) | Biomedical Signal Processing |
Date of joining SJCET : 01-03-2011
Status as on date of joining : LECTURER
Present status : PERMANENT
Sl. No | Name of Institution | Type of Membership | Membership ID |
Sl. No | Name of Training/Workshop | Year & Date (Duration) | Organizer |
1 | Electronics Education –A System Approach | 2/5/11 to 2/5/11 (5 days) | SJCET, Palai |
2 | Basic Electronics | 28/06/11 to 08/07/11 (11 days) | IIT Bombay |
3 | Introduction to Research Methodology | 25/06/12 to 4/07/12 (10 days) | IIT Bombay |
4 | Modular workshop on Embedded Android on Beagle Board | 4/12/12 to 7/12/12 (4 days) | Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore |
5 | Analog Electronics | 4/06/13 to 14/06/13 (11 days) | IIT Kharagpur |
6 | ARM Processor in Embedded Systems | 19/11/13 23/11/13 (5 days) | RIT Pampady |
7 | Workshop on FPGA & VHDL | 4/3/13 to 6/3/13(3days) | College of Engineering, Kidangoor |
8 | Image Processing with MATLAB | 10/11/14 to 14/11/14 (5 days) | College of Engineering, Kidangoor |
9 | Embedded Systems | 4/01/16 08/01/16 (5 days) | College of Engineering, Kidangoor |
10 | C Programming and assembly | Jul-Aug 2019 | NPTEL: IIT Madras |
11 | Falling in love with Linux | 9/12/2019-14/12/2019 (6 days) | RIT, Pampady, Kottayam |
12 | Microprocessors and microcontrollers | Jan-April 2020 (12 week) | NPTEL: IIT Karaghpur |
13 | ARM Cortex Microcontrollers | 17-19 June 2020 | NIT_Calicut |
14 | Constitutional Studies | Sep-Dec 2020 (12 week) | NPTEL: IIT Madras |
15 | The Joy of Computing using Python | Sep-Dec 2020 (12 week) | NPTEL: IIT Madras |
16 | Application of Artificial Intelligence Technique in overcoming the challenges of healthcare industry | 16/11/2020-21/11/2020 (6 days) | Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu |
17 | IOT and datascience | 28/12/2020-2/1/2021 (6 days) | SJCET, Palai |
18 | Embedded Systems | 3/3/2021-6/3/2021 (4 days) | College of Engineering, Kidangoor (TEQIP-II) |
19 | Research aspects on Deep Learning in Image and Vedio processing | 4/1/2021-9/1/2021 (6 days) | Vellamal Institute of Technology, Chennai |
20 | Advanced Micro/Nano Sensor Technologies: Modelling, Simulation and Fabrication | 5/7/2021-9/7/2021 (5 days) | NIT_Calicut |
21 | Biomedical Signal Processing | Jan-Apr 2022 (12 week) | NPTEL: IIT Madras |
22 | Digital Image processing | July-Oct 2022 (12 week) | NPTEL: IIT Madras |
23 | Python for data science | Jan-Feb 2023 (4 week) | NPTEL: IIT Madras |
International Journals
Sl.No | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Publisher | Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No. |
1 | Design of an Embedded Platform for Patient Monitoring Applications Using μC/OS-II | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) | IJAREEIE | Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, December 2013, ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765, ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875 |
2 | Implementation Of Memory Protection In RTEMS RTOS | International Journal Of Electronics And Communication Engineering& Technology (IJECET) | International Association of Engineering and Management Education (IAEME) | Volume 5, Issue 10, October (2014), pp. 80-85 ISSN 0976 – 6464(Print) ISSN 0976 – 6472(Online) |
3 | Development of 6LoWPAN in Embedded Wireless System | RAEREST 2016 | ELSEVIER | Procedia Technology 25 ( 2016 ) 513 – 519 |
4 | Braillie based Communication gloves | Journal Of Imerging Technologies and Innovative Research | JETIR | Volume 8, Issue 6, June (2021), |
5 | Smart Combined Sewer Monitoring System | International journal for research trends and innovations | IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-3315 |
International Conferences
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference | ||
1 | Comparative Analysis of a NAND Gate and a 2-bit Magnitude Comparator using GDI Technique | International Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Engineering and Technological Research (ICETIETR) | ||
2 | Cardiocare: Prediction Of Heart Health With Machine Learning Classification Models | Advanced Wireless Communication and Pervasive Technologies (ICAWCPT - 23) |