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LEADERSHIP 2025-03-06T06:53:49+00:00

Mar Joseph Kallarangatt

Bishop, Diocese of Palai

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology is one of the institutions under the Patronage of Mar Joseph Kallarangattu, the Bishop of Palai. His Excellency is a prudent pedagogue and an educationalist par excellence. Mar Joseph Kallarangattu was the Former President & Vice Chancellor, Paurastya Vidyapitham, Vadavathoor and has to his credit 35 Scholarly books on Theology and Oriental Liturgy. His Excellency is erudite in ancient East Syrian language. Besides, His Excellency is a polyglot, proficient in English, Latin, Spanish and German languages.  SJCET has become one of the leading educational Institutions in Kerala, thanks to the ennobling leadership of our most revered patron. His generous support and benevolence have provided the College with immense strength to forge ahead to an even more fulfilling and resplendent future.

Msgr. Dr. Joseph Thadathil


Rev. Prof. James John Mangalathu


Prof. Dr. James John Mangalathu, is a Catholic Priest belonging to the Diocese of Palai. He had his Masters Degree in History from the M S University of Baroda and PhD in Indo-Portuguese History, from Pondicherry Central University. During his researches, he had the opportunity to do various courses at the Universite de Nantes in France and Universidade de Lisboa in Portugal. He has made use of various Archives and Libraries like Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris, Archivo Nacional de Torre do Tombo, Archivo Historico Ulramarino, Biblioteca da Ajuda, and Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa in Portugal, British Library, London, Vatical Library etc. Besides, he has visited countries like Germany, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Sweden, Denmark, USA etc. He speaks languages like Malayalam, English, Portuguese, French, Hindi etc. He has published over 20 Research Articles in various National and International Journals. His monumental work The Portuguese and the socio-cultural Changes in Kerala; 1498-1663 has been published by Routledge, London. He has over 22 years of teaching experience at St Thomas College, Palai in Kerala. He was Professor & Head at the Department of History of the College. He was Principal of St Thomas College Palai during 2018-2024. Besides, he has served as the National Executive member of the Xavier Board of Higher Education in India and the Regional President of Southern Kerala. He was also an executive member of Kerala Principal’s Council and Secretary of Association of Catholic Historians of India. At present he serves as the Joint Secretary of the Association of Catholic Historians of India and also the Private College Management Association.

Dr. V. P. Devassia, Ph.D.


Dr. V P Devassia, after completing his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, started his career with Hindustan Paper Corporation, Calcutta and later worked as a Design Engineer with Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd where he was responsible for the design and development of various electronic systems for Computerized Numerical Controlled machines, Flexible Turning Center, Factory automation and so on. He took his Masters Degree in Industrial Electronics and later his Doctoral Research in Signal Processing from Cochin University of Science and Technology. His passion for learning lead him to change his career to academia and today, he has over 27 years of academic experience through various responsibilities like Head of Department and Principal of engineering institutions like Model Engineering college and College of Engineering, Chengannur in Kerala. His administrative excellence has also been very well utilized by the Govt. of Kerala in entrusting him with responsibility of officer in charge of the Institute of Human Resources Development (IHRD) Regional center and Model Finishing School Ernakulam as well as the Additional Director of IHRD, Govt. of Kerala. Dr. Devassia later joined the services of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology in the capacity of Head, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering and is currently the Principal.
Amidst all his administrative responsibilities, Dr. Devassia continues academic research activities in his fields of interests including Pseudo-Periodic Signal Processing, Music Signal Source Separation and Video Content Analysis. Dr. Devassia, a Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Engineers (India), is professionally affiliated as FIETE, FIE (I), MISTE. He has served as the Expert Committee member of many committees like the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), AICTE, Board of Studies – CUSAT, Governing Body member of Engineering Colleges, among many more.
Dr. Devassia’s faith in the Almighty, unwavering attention to detail, due diligence, steadfast professionalism, zeal for higher academic pursuits, high optimism and perpetual radiance, makes him a person anyone he comes across, to take off your hat to.

Rev. Dr. Joseph Purayidathil (M.M., Ph.D.)

Vice Principal

Dr. Joseph Purayidathil is a faculty of St. Joseph’s Business School of SJCET, since 2017. He started his teaching career as Assistant Professor after completing his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Master’s degree in Management from Assumption University of Thailand. He has published number of articles in reputed international journals including US- China International Journal, SCHOLAR, ABAC ODI Journal, FIIB Business Review etc. and have number of presentations in national and international forums to his credit. In 2019, he has authored a book titled “Ethical Leadership: A Model for Character Formation” published by Lambert Academic Publishing Company. He has won the “Most Impactful Paper Award 2024” by FIIB/ Sage Publications. His areas of academic interests are Cross Cultural Management, Educational Leadership, Organizational Development, Business Ethics etc. He is a Priest from the diocese of Palai and serves the college also as the chief warden of the hostels of SJCET, warden of St. Thomas hostel for Men, IQAC member, College Council Member, Ethics Committee member etc. He also serves Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam as the Syllabus Expert Committee Member.

Rev. Fr. Thomas Njavallil, BSc Engg.

Lab Manager

Tech-savvy is the adjective that suits our Lab manager best, whose passion is his work. He holds a Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He worked in Merchant Navy as Marine Engineer before joining for Priesthood. He finds goodness in all and appreciate values in every minute efforts made by others. He has a grateful heart, which has endeared him to one and all.

Rev. Fr. John Mattamundayil


Prior to joining this Institution as Bursar on 06-02-2021, he was working here as a Counselling Psychologist, and maintained his indisputable role in providing Counselling to the students in our College. He helped students facing problems related to exam stress, undeveloped emotional resilience, parental pressure for greater achievements and disciplinary problems. Besides, he dealt with problems of the students related to peer pressure, peer relationship, independence vs dependence upon family, and how to be assertive and make right choices for the students.

He believes that everything that he sees and hears bears the divine touch of the Master, and even his writeups and speeches are expressions of his communion with the Supreme. As a well known philanthropist, he is ever ready to lend a supporting hand to anyone who needs it.