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Lijo Paul

/Lijo Paul
Lijo Paul 2025-01-18T03:42:05+00:00

Dr. Lijo Paul

Dean – Student Affairs
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mobile Number: 9846270462
Date of joining:12-09-2002
Association with the institution: Regular

Sl.NoQualificationUniversityInstitutionYear of passingSpecialization
1B.TechMahatma Gandhi UniversityM.A.College of Engg, Kothamanagalam2001Mechanical
2M.TechNIT,SurathkalNIT,Surathkal2007Advanced Manufacturing
3Ph.DIIT Madras, ChennaiIIT Madras, Chennai2015Manufacturing Engineering

Teaching Experience                                       :        12-09-2002 – till date at SJCET


Sl. NoName of InstitutionType of MembershipMembership ID
1ISTELife MemberLM 41609
2Society for Manufacturing EngineersLife MemberLMSME 00509
3Material Research Society of IndiaLife MemberLMB 1231
Sl. No.Name of Training/WorkshopYear & Date (Duration)Organizer
1Spot light on Risk management of chemical plants/oil refineries27-04-2009 to 09-05-2009 (2 weeks)Amaljyothi  college of Engg, Kanjirappilly
2Micro and Nano scale Phenomena06-07-2008 to 19-07-2008 (2 Weeks)NIT Calicut
3Advances in Space Cryogenics04-10-2004 to 16-10-2004TKM college , Kollam
4Teaching Excellence and Methodologies05-08-2002 to 17-08-2002 (2 weeks)Maharajas Polytechnic, Thrissur
5Micromachining“ A breakthrough technologies31-01-2011 to 05-02-2011 (1 week)IIT Madras
6Robotics – Mechanics, Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence14-01-2013 to 18-01-2013 (1 week)IIT Madras
7Manufacturing Management07-02-2011 to 11-02-2011 (1 week)St.Joseph’s College of Engg. , Pala
8CNC technologies01-11-2010 to 04-11-2010 (4 days)St.Joseph’s College of Engg. , Pala
9Thermodynamics in Mechanical Engineering14-06-2011 to 24-06-2011SJCET-IIT Bombay
10Faculty development for Research Scholars20-08-2011 to 21-08-2011IIT Madras
11Energy Management19-01-2009 to 23-01-2009St.Joseph’s College of Engg. , Pala
12Technical communication8-09-2015 to 5-12-2015St.Joseph’s College of Engg. , Pala
13Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling for Researchers25-07-2016 to 30-07-2016RIT, Pampady, Kottayam
14Guidance and Counselling04-12-2017 to 08-12-2017St.Joseph’s College of Engg. , Pala
15Rural Innovators Meet, M.S Swaminathan Research Foundation,Wayanad14-05-2018 to 16-05-2018KCSTE
16Recent advances in Manufacturing Engineering2019,5 daysAPJAKTU & SJCET Pala
17NPTEL:Introduction to Abrasive Machining and Finishing Processes2020, 8-weekNPTEL, IIT Guwahati
18Guidance and Counselling2020,5 DaysAICTE Sponsored , SJCET Palai
19KTU FDP: Additive Manufacturing and 3-D Printing2021,3 daysKTU, SJCET Palai
20Metal Additive Manufacturing01-07-2022 - 31-10-2022NPTEL IIT CHENNAI
21Mentor training programme by NITTTR2022, 5 DaysAICTE
22Nano materials Developments, applications and future outlookAPJAKTU & SJCET
23Graphical system Design using Labview2023, 5 DaysNITTR CHENNAI
Sl. NoTitle/ TopicYear & DurationSponsors
1Workshop on Advances in Manufacturing and Production Management,2009, Two daySJCET Palai
2Two day workshop in Advances in welding atJanuary 2010, Two daySJCET Palai,
3Workshop in Technical analysis tools6-7, August 2010 Two daySJCET, Palai
421st ISTE State Convention20th November 2010ISTE
5Workshop on Manufacturing Management07.02.2011- 11.02.2011, Five daySJCET, Palai
6National conference –COMET4th July 2011, One daySJCET, Palai
7International Conference RAEREST 2016April 23-24, 2016, Two daySJCET Pala ,ISTE, IE
8Workshop on Quality Analysis in Rolls Royce, Derby, UK on under ASME SJCET ChapterDecember 20, 2017SJCET
9ASME SJCET Chapter Inauguration by Mr Antony Lulu Elias, CEO, Red Cap , Mumbai25th January 2018SJCET
10Technical Talk on Advances in Liquid propulsion system by eminent scientist from ISRO, Trivandrum, India, under ASME SJCET ChapterMarch 21, 2018,SJCET
113D Printing workshop for Engineering students and school teachers in , under ASME SJCET ChapterMarch 24,  2018SJCET
12Workshop on AI Perspectives in Machine Learning by Dr.Bijoy V.T, Research scientist NASAJuly 9, 2018SJCET
13Alumni Tech talk series 1-Talk on sustainable mobility solution by Mr. Jacob Thekkekara,CTO & Co-Founder Pi-Beam Labs Pvt. Ltd Chennai28/09/2018SJCET
14Alumni Tech talk series 2-Application knowledge and carrier opportunities in steam engineering by Dileep Cherian Team led, Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd22/10/2018SJCET
Sl. NoTitle/ TopicYear & DurationOrganizer
1Technical talk on Process Modelling, Simulation and Multi-Objective Optimization, in 3-day FDP on Emerging Trends And Challenges in Manufacturing Processes and Management, at SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala.November 7-9, 2016, 3 dayIIM-Trivandrum Chapter
2Technical talk on Linear control in Machining Process and Parameter optimization in sponsored by TEQIP-II, at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Pampady, Kottayam in Electrical and Electronic Department26-09-2016 to 01-10-2016,  5 day STTPTEQUIP
3 Technical talk on Process control and Parameter optimization in Faculty Development Programme conducted by the Dept. of Electronics &  communication, at College of Engineering Kidangoor, Kottayam31-03-2016 to 04-04-2016, 5 dayTEQIP-II
4Technical talk on Control system and its application in Faculty Development Programme conducted by the Dept. of Electronics & Instrumentation, sponsored by at College of Engineering, Kidangoor, Kottayam from.28-12-2015 to 01-01-2016, 5 dayTEQIP-II
5Technical Talk on plastic rope making from waste plastics at Rural Innovators Meet, M.S Swaminathan Research Foundation,WayanadMay 14-16, 2018KCSTE
Sl. NoProject TitleFunding AgencyAmountDuration
13D printer filament from waste plasticCentre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD)500001 year
2Experimental Investigation and performance optimization of micro AJM process  with dust absorption mechanismCentre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD)1,30,0002 year 8 months
3Plastic Rope from waste plasticKerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KCSTE)10000
4Experimental investigations on performance and emission characteristics of CI engine fueled by plastic oil derived from polyethylene waste plastic CERD, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological UniversityRs. 1400002018
53D printer filament from waste plastic CERD, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological UniversityRs. 500002018
6Design & Development of Patient Specific Biomedical Devices using SLA Additive Manufacturing with Bio plasticsAICTERs. 17,10,0002022

 International Journals

.NoTitle of PaperName of journalPublisherYear, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1Experimental study on Abrasive Jet Drilling on Glass.Materials today: proceedingsElsevier2018, Vol.5, pp.12474-12478.
2Thermal Analysis For Material Removal Rate In Micro EDM Process.Materials today: proceedingsElsevier2018, Vol.5, pp.11870-11874.
3Effects of Preheating Electrolyte in Micro ECDM Process.Materials today: proceedingsElsevier2018, Vol.5, pp. 11882-11887.
4Effect of Powder Mixed Electrolyte in ECDM Process.Materials today: proceedingsElsevier2018, Vol.5, pp. 11864-11869
5Micro Machining In ECDM Process With Tool Modification.Materials today: proceedingsElsevier2018, Vol.5, pp. 11875-11881.
6Comparative study effect of different tool materials in EDM processMaterials Science and EngineeringIOP Conference Series396 (1),2018
7Effect of tool diameter in ECDM process with powder mixed electrolytMaterials Science and EngineeringIOP Conference Series396 (1),2018
8A Review on Magnetic Field Assisted Micro MachiningMaterials Science and EngineeringIOP Conference Series396 (1),2018
9Characterization of Micro Channels Machined with ECDM for Fluidic ApplicationsApplied Mechanics and MaterialsTranstech Publication, Switzerland2018, Vol.877, pp.82-91
10FEM of ECDM Process on Semi Conducting MaterialsApplied Mechanics and MaterialsTranstech Publication, Switzerland2018, Vol.877, pp.87-91
11Improvement in Machining Rate with Mixed Electrolyte in ECDM Process,Procedia TechnologyElsevier2016, Vol. 25,pp.1250-1256
12Experimental and Theoretical Investigations in ECDM Process- An Overview.Procedia TechnologyElsevier2016, Vol. 25,pp.1242-1249.
13Effect of Power Source in ECDM Process with FEM Modeling.Procedia TechnologyElsevier2016, Vol. 25,pp.1175-1181.
14Experimental investigation and parametric analysis of electrochemical discharge machining.International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and ManagementInderscience Publication2014, Vol. 28,pp.57‐79.
15Evaluation of Process Parameters of ECDM using Grey Relational Analysis.Procedia Materials ScienceElsevier2014, Vol. 5,pp.2273-2282.
16Effect of process parameters on heat affected zone in micro machining of borosilicate glass using µ-ECDM process.,Applied Mechanics and MaterialsTranstech Publication, Switzerland2014, Vol.592,pp. 224-238.
17Characterization of Micro Channels in Electrochemical Discharge Machining Process.Applied Mechanics and MaterialsTranstech Publication, Switzerland2014, Vol.490, pp.238-242.
18Response Surface Modelling of Micro Holes in ECDM Process.Procedia Engineering,Elsevier2013, Vol.64, pp.1395-1404.
19Parametric analysis and a soft computing  approach in ECDM ProcessInternational Journal of Manufacturing Technology and ManagementInderscience Publication2011, Vol.24, pp.23‐39.
National Journals  :2
Sl.NoTitle of PaperName of journalPublisherYear, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Carbon Epoxy Composite Plates in S and X band” “Journal of Manufacturing EngineeringManufacturing Engineers2011, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp 166-171,.
2Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Aluminium Epoxy Composite Plates in S and X Band.Journal of Manufacturing Engineering,Manufacturing Engineers2012
International Conferences: 14
Sl. No. Title of the PaperName of the ConferenceVenue & Date
1Improvement in Micro Feature Generation in ECDM Process With Powder Mixed ElectrolyteASME 2018, 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering ConferenceTexas A&M, College Station, Texas, USA, June 18–22, 2018.
2Response Surface Modeling of Micro Channels in Electrochemical Discharge Machining Process.International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-8:2013National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, on 13-15th  December 2013
3Characterization of Micro Channels in ECDM ProcessPaper ID: H0056,International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA 2013),Sydney, Australia, on 6-7th December 2013.
4Experimental investigation and response surface modelling of metal removal rate in electrochemical discharge machining,All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR),Jadavpur University, Kolkota, December 2012
5Characterization of  micro holes machined using ECDM.International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology - ICAMT 2012CIT, Chennai, June 2012
6Optimisation of Process Parameters using Electrochemical Discharge Machining.,ICOMET, International conference on Mechanical Engineering and TechSJCET, Palai, Kerala, January 2012
7Electro Magnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Aluminum Laminated Epoxy Composites Plates in X and S bandInternational Symposium for Research Scholars, ISRS 2010IIT Madras,18-21 December 2010.
8Comparison of EM shielding effectiveness Aluminum Particulate Composites and Carbon Particulate Composites in X and S bandInternational Conference on Materials for Future, ICMF-2011GEC Thrissur,23-25, 2011.
9Effect of mechanical defects on EM shielding properties of Carbon particulate composites in X bandInternational Conference on Materials for Future , ICMF-2011GEC Thrissur,23-25, February 2011
10Comparison of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of HAF with ISAF epoxy particulate compositesInternational conference on Recent Innovations in Technologies, ICRIT-2011RIT, Kottyam, 2011.
11Effect of mechanical defects on EM shielding properties of Aluminium particulate composites in S band1st International Conference on Nanostructured Materials and Nanocomposites6 - 8 April 2009, Kottayam, India
12Effect of mechanical defects on EM shielding properties of Aluminium particulate composites in X bandCOSMA 2009, International Conference on Latest Trends in Simulation Modelling and AnalysisNIT Calicut, 2009
13Aluminium Particulate Composite as Electromagnetic Shielding MaterialsInternational Conference on Recent Developments in Structural Engineering (RDSE-2007),Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal, during 30th, 31st of August and 01 st of September 2007.
14EM Shielding Effectiveness of Carbon Composites and Aluminium Composites in X BandThe International Conference on Total   engineering, analysis and Manufacturing technologies (TEAM TECH-2007),IISC Bangalore, 4-6 October 2007
National Conference: 11
Sl. No. Title of the PaperName of the ConferenceVenue & Date
1Electrochemical Discharge Machining (ECDM) – A breakthrough technology for the future.COMET, National Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Tech, SJCETSJCET,  Palai, Kerala, June 2011
2Value education in engineering: an urgent need",  at.ISTE national conventionNIT Surathkal, from 18-20, December 2009
3Comparison of EM shielding effectiveness of plain polymers with carbon particulate compositesSreechitra Thirunal  college of Engineering , Trivandrum (5,6, May 2009
4 Effect of mechanical defect on EM shielding properties of carbon composites in S band"Technology Education and Management Scenario,NSS College of Engg, Palakkad Kerala,2009 (TEAMS) 24, 25th March 09
5Linear static analysis of composite payload Fairing", in mech. Engg,National conference on state of art of TechnologiesJNTU, Hyderabad college of engineering. (20,21 Aug 2009)
6Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Metal LaminatesNational Conference on Recent Advances in Design Engineering (RADE2007)MIT Manipal, Feb 22-24, 2007.
7Comparison of Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Plain Polymers with Composites,Engineering Design. In 2007IISC, Bangalore, August 9-11, 2007
8Stereolithography- An investigation on Rapid Prototyping ProcessRecent advances in Manufacturing TechnologiesNIT, Rourkela,2005.
9Water jet cutting - A trend maker in machiningEmerging trends in mechanical Engg,BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore,2006.
10Plastic Rope making from bottlesRural Innovator meet, RIM 2018 by KSCSTEM S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Kalpetta,Wayanad, May 2018
11ASME GT India SeminarASME GT India SeminarFISAT, Angamali, April 7, 2018
1Effect of Powder Mixed Electrolyte in ECDM ProcessInternational Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM - 2017).ELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 11864–11869
2Thermal Analysis For Material Removal Rate In Micro EDM Process International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM - 2017).ELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 11870–11874
3Machining characteristics of micro-magnetic field assisted EDMInternational conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods.ELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 27 (2020) 2000–2004
4Experiment on pollution control in m-abrasive jet machining using liquid filmsInternational conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods.ELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 27 (2020) 2033–2036
5Design and development of orthosis for clubfoot correction in infants an additive manufacturing approachInternational conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods.ELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 27 (2020) 2605–2608
6Experimental investigation of m-abrasive jet machining with dust collection mechanismInternational Conference on Integration of Advanced Technologies for Industry 4.0 ELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 55 (2022) 337–342
7Modelling and 3d priniting of patient specific cardiovascular graftInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Energy SystemsELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 1–6
8Experimental analysis of the influence of discharge gap on EDM performanceInternational Conference on Integration of Advanced Technologies for Industry 4.0 :ELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 55 (2022) 394–398
9Review on novel biomaterials and innovative 3D printing techniques in biomedical applicationsInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Energy SystemsELSEVIERMaterials Today: Proceedings 58 (2022) 96–103
10Application of multivariate loss function and distance function approaches for materials selectionAIP Conference Proceedings 2273, 050015 (2020)
11Effect of sensing mechanism on machining performance of ECDM processTaylor & FrancisFebruary 16, 1900
12Grey Relation Approach in Abrasive Jet Machining ProcessInternational Manufacturing Science and Engineering ConferenceASMEISBN: 978-0-7918-5875-2 (Vol-2)(2020)
13Improvement in Micro Feature Generation in ECDM Process With Powder Mixed ElectrolyteInternational Manufacturing Science and Engineering ConferenceASMEISBN: 978-0-7918-5138-8 (Vol-4)(2020)
14Effect of tool diameter in ECDM process with powder mixed electrolyteMaterials Science and EngineeringIOP PublishingIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 396 (2018) 012070
15Comparative study of effect of tool materials in EDM processMaterials Science and EngineeringIOP PublishingIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 396 (2018) 012071
16Application of grey fuzzy logic in abrasive jet machining processIndian Academy of Sciences
17Model Prediction and Experimental Study of Material Removal Rate in Micro ECDM Process on Borosilicate GlassSPRINGERSilicon volume 14, pages1497–1510 (2022)
18A review on magnetic field assisted micro MachiningMaterials Science and EngineeringIOP PublishingIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 396 (2018) 012074 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/396/1/012074

National Conference: 11per Publication in Books : 02


  1. Lijo Paul and Somashekhar S. Hiremath.(2013) Process Parameter Optimization in μ-ECDM Process-A Multi Objective Approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-981-09-6278-4, pp 332-340.
  2. J Babu, Lijo Paul and Davim J Paulo (2018) Drilling of composite materials: methods and tools, Drilling Technology, De Gruyter publications, ISBN: 9783110481204.