SAEINDIA is a professional engineering society whose membership represents practically every engineering and scientific discipline. Its members combine their specialized abilities to further advance the research, development, design, manufacture and utilization of vehicles which operate on land, water, air and space. SAE INDIA is the Indian affiliation of SAE International with its motto “The engineering society for advancing mobility Land Sea Air and Space”. It is serving as a platform for students to explore globally and to cope up with the advancements in the techno-world. Every year, the society organizes several students based events and programs for their technical knowledge development and to ensure thrust of knowledge gain through its active participation.
SAEINDIA Collegiate club of SJCET Pala has started in the year 2011 and thriving its operations through the vibrant student members since then. It was registered under southern secion of SAEINDIA and was later counted under Cochin division in 2015. Student members are actively participating in intra collegiate as well as intercollegiate activities organized by SAEINDIA southern section and SAEINDIA collegiate clubs. Student members of this club are actively participating in events like SAE TREK, BAJA, WORKSHOP, STUDENT CONVENTION, SUPRA, CAREER START and various tier events and have achieved notable accolades.
2023 – 24

Interactive Session organized by SAEINDIA Collegiate club of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology (SJCET), Palai, Kerala
SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of SJCET Palai in association with Mechanical Engineering Association of SJCET Palai organized an interactive session on the title Career opportunities in Marine Field on 20th September 2023 during 11.30 a.m. – 12.45 p.m. The targeted audience was SAEINDIA Student members and pre-registered B. Tech Mechanical Engineering students. The session was started with the welcome address by Mr. Abhijith M B, S5 ME. The session was moderated by Mr. Albert James, S5 ME. The session started with a few slides on different kinds of ships and has asked the audience to identify the function of each ship. Some got responded.
Later he explained the different types, duties of engineers in these ships and the ship functions. He described about the qualities shipping companies expect from engineers. He explained the different levels of engineering positions in Merchant ships, barges, oils ships, off-shore duties & on-shore duties. He also explained about the academic ways to get a job opportunity in leading shipping companies.

Interactive Session organized by SAEINDIA Collegiate club of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology (SJCET), Palai, Kerala
SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of SJCET Palai in association with Mechanical Engineering Association of SJCET Palai organized an interactive session on the title Career Competency for Mechanical Engineers on 11th April 2023 during 11.40 – 01.00 p.m. The targeted audience was SAEINDIA Student members and pre-registered B. Tech Mechanical Engineering students. The session was started with the welcome address by Mr. Albert Saju. Mr. Alvin Salu introduced resource person and the entire session was moderated by Mr. Gibin Sabu. The session started with a few questions by the resource person Mr. Alen Jose about the practical feasibility of fully Electric EV mobility of INDIA as well as the whole world. He made a real time online survey among the students and the discussion were based on the response of the audience.
Alen commented that the conversion of entire ICE system to EV system is almost impossible up to 2040. However, he commented that the technology advancement in the present era is unpredictable. He informed students that to be good in fundamentals and there are a lot of gap for Mechanical Engineers in automotive industries. Being competent and confident is the only way to suit for industry requirements.

Tier -1 competitions organized by SAEINDIA Collegiate club of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology (SJCET), Palai, Kerala- SPECTRA 2.0
SAEINDIA Collegiate Club SJCET organized thirteen Tier – I completions (under the banner name SPECTRA 2.0) during 2 – 10 November 2023. The competitions were organized according to the rule book provided by SAEINDIA Southern Section

SAE TREK – 08 and 09 March 2024 Host: St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai
The SAEIndia Southern Section- Cochin Division, in collaboration with the SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, organized SAE Trek on March 8th and 9th, 2024. The trek garnered 44 registrations from across the southern states. The inaugural ceremony started at 9:00 am.

Tier -2 competitions hosted at Muthoot Institute of Technology, Puthencruz, Cochin on 26/11/2023
Prize winners of all Tier-1 competitions have participated in Tier -2 competitions hosted at Muthoot Institute of Technology, Puthencruz, Cochin on 26th November 2023. SJCET Collegiate club got two first prizes and two second prized and got selected for the Tier-3 competitions going to be held as student convention in the month of February or March in 2024. The winners details is published in the following poster.

The SAE INDIA southern section society annually conducts the Bicycle Design Competition, where teams design, engineer and prototype a single-seat bicycle from the ground up, for given requirements and within the rules and regulations of the competition. This year, the final phase of the competition was conducted in the first quarter of 2024, on 24th and 25th of February in Tamil Nadu, at Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem. The initial screening process began from early November 2023, with the evaluation of four technical reports, based on Ideation, Design, Analysis, Cost, and Manufacturing. Mr. Anooplal B. served as the faculty advisor for our team, accompanying us during the offline competition, and Jilse sir was the regional head of the Cochin section and chairman of SAEINDIA from our college, providing necessary help and guidance. The team was led by the captain Benison Benny, and consisted of 5 members: Anson Joy, Emmanuel Sunny, Geo Sunny, and Savio Tomy. A total of more than 60 teams from all over India had registered for the competition. Over 45 teams participated for the initial round, and our team was one out of the 38 teams participating in the final offstage competition held at Tamil Nadu. There were 8 teams who registered from Kerala, and we successfully reached all the way to the final round of the competition. On Day 1, the event was inaugurated at 9:00 AM, and the competition rounds began after all the Bicycles underwent a weight test. The first round was to compete for dis-assembling and assembling the whole cycle with maximum 3 members from each team, within the shortest duration. After successfully completing the assembly-disassembly test, our team proceeded to undertake the U-turn and Slow-Cycle Test, with Savio Tomy driving the cycle and accomplishing the task. Following this, we tackled the Brake Test, which was rode by Geo Sunny, and successfully passed this round as well. Subsequently, our team underwent technical inspection and innovation rounds, marking the conclusion of day one. The following day, we completed the Bump Test and Pedal-Stroke Test, ultimately concluding our participation in the event. By evening, we gathered for the closing ceremony, marking the end of two eventful days of the competition Looking back, we ideated & designed the concept for our cycle, conducted various computational analyses to test our designs, fabricated various components, and learned to work as a team to build and deliver a product within tight deadlines. We successfully completed all the rounds of the competition, and our cycle successfully passed all the physical endurance tests. Throughout the event, we engaged with students and faculty members from various colleges across the country, industry engineers, and other esteemed individuals renowned for their technical expertise. This experience was truly memorable and enriching
Design challenge competition

Venue: Mechanical department block
Event-In-Charge: Mr .Don George Kurian
Student Coordinators: KS Adarsh, Annu Rose George
As part of Astra 8.0, SAE conducted a Design challenge competition. The competition began at 2.00 pm in the Mechanical Department Block with four participants. In this competition, the participants has to design a Camera tripod using given equipment at a limited period of time .Sainamol Zakker from Mangalam college of engineering was the winner of this competition.The Competition concluded at 4.00 pm after an exciting session .
Workshop baja buggy

Event-In-Charge: Dr. Jilse sebastian
Student Coordinators: Nikhil Krishnan, Athul vijay
As part of Astra 8.0, Team Tyroveloce Racing conducted a Baja buggy design workshop. The workshop began at 10:00 am in the MCA computer lab with seven participants. It was structured as a two-stage program: first, roll cage design using SolidWorks, and second, suspension design using Adams software.In the SolidWorks section, we started by familiarizing participants with the tools and basics of designing. Once everyone was comfortable, we moved on to designing the roll cage. By the end of this stage, we successfully completed the full drawing of the roll cage.In the second section, we began with the basic design of the suspension system using Adams software. Participants learned about the intricacies of suspension design and how to utilize the software effectively.The workshop concluded at 2:30 pm after an engaging and informative session covering both SolidWorks and Adams software.
Venue: Day1: St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai
Day 2 : Vagamon Kurisumala and Pine Forest
The SAE Team consisted of
● Mr S. Shanmugam- Mentor, SAEISS
● Mr Koshy P Joseph- Chairman, Cochin Division
● Mr Arun Kumar – Manager, SAEISS

Day 1
The SAEIndia Southern Section- Cochin Division, in collaboration with the SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, organized SAE Trek on March 8th and 9th, 2024.The trek garnered 44 registrations from across the southern states.The inaugural ceremony started at 9:00 am. Mr S. Shanmugam led the sessions on Engineering Design. The workshop closed by 6:30 pm.

Day 2
The bus with the participants and volunteers left for Vagamon from the Alphonsian Pastoral Institute Pala (where participants were stayed on March 8) by 6 am.
The hill climb starts by 8.15 reached back at valley by 11.00. The Pine Valley forest exploration was during 11.30 – 12.45. After lunch, the trek event was concluded by 3 pm with feedback session and distribution of certificates to the participants and the volunteers. Almost all the participants commented the event as excellent.
Tier -3 competitions & SAEISS Student Convention

SAEISS student convention is considered as one of the National level flagship event of SAEISS as it includes student competitors from all divisions, may be numbered around 1500 participants. Student convention 2023-24 was hosted at Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai during 15-16 March 2024. Twelve student members participated in Tier-3 competitions out of which 11 are winners of Tier-2 competitions and 1 to participate in club presentation competition. It’s very proud that two of our teams won First position in the events Mobile App Development and Bridge Building. The winners are:
1) Tomin Joy, Nimitha Joy and Rese Raju(CSE)- Mobile App Development
2) Archa Sathish, Shinto and George Joseph (AD)- Bridge Building Competition
ATVC (Aravalli Terrain Vehicle Championship) organised by INFI LEAGUE MOTORSPORTS at Pune,

Venue: Nutan Maharashtra Engineering College
Since the End Semester University exams were cashed with SAEINDIA mBAJA competition dates, Team TYROVELOCE RACING with their newly built-up buggy EECO was not able to participate in the same. Therefore, team panned and went for ATVC (Aravalli Terrain Vehicle Championship) organised by INFI LEAGUE MOTORSPORTS at Pune, Maharashtra. The event was held from March 20th to 24th 2024 at Nutan Maharashtra Engineering College. 38 student members with a faculty member (Mr. Anooplal B) participated in the event. The team got chance to appear 3 times for Technical Inspection and got good appreciations. However, due certain safety issues, team was not able to reach in finals.
Guided by: Dr. Jilse Sebastian, Faculty Advisor, Dept. of ME
2022 – 23

SAEINDIA BAJA is a flagship competition of SAEINDIA which is National Level ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) completion which include design, fabrication and vehicle demonstration. This is the biggest ATV competition in India. The competition is elaborated in 2 stages in which the first stage was Virtual BAJA2022 (during December 2021) in which our team successfully went through. The second stage BAJA2022 (vehicle competition event) done during 5 – 10 April 2022 at NATRIP, Pithampur, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. SJCET BAJA2022 Team TYROVELOCE 3.0 BRAVO include 25 students in which 17 are from final year and 8 from pre-final year, spread up through ME and EEE departments. Mr. Libin Abraham, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering has participated in the event as faculty advisor. This is the third ATV team from SJCET Palai. Out 2019 and 2021 teams have participated in the second biggest ATV competition of INDIA Mega ATV Challenge and have identified in top ranks. Our 2022 team reached up to the third stage of the competition out of the four various technical test stages. Our team can be ranked as third among only five teams selected from Kerala.

2: SAEINDIA BAJA 2022 – Meet the Team
To share the experience of the students who participated BAJA2022 during 5 – 10 April 2022 at NATRIP, Pithampur, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, a Meet the Team program has organized. Team captain Salvy Cherian lead the meeting. Each section heads of the team showcased their challenges during the competition and motivated the upcoming team for BAJA 2023 team.

3: SAEINDIA Bicycle Design Challenge 2022
SAEINDIA BDC (Bicycle Design Challenge) 2022 is a TOP-TECH competition of SAEINDIA Southern Section which is a National Level Bicycle Design competition. BDC include design, fabrication and demonstration self-made bicycle by a team of seven students. The competition is elaborated in different stages of presentations and document submissions in which SJCET team successfully went through. Only 3 teams from Kerala were able to participate in the demonstration and running competition in which we were the only first time team. SAEINDIA BDC 2022 was held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode, Tamil Nadu during 21 – 22 May 2022. Our team (Team Pegatron) was able to reach up to the final stage and commented as one of the arousing team by the competition host.

4.General Body meeting & Selection of Office bearers
General Body meeting of SAEINDIA collegiate club of SJCET is conducted at 04.30 p.m. in seminar hall of Mechanical Engineering Department. Agenda of meeting is selection of office bearers for the current academic year and discussion on club events. The office-bearers were lected during the meeting and listed is followed in the table:

5. Team TYROVELOCE RACING with Charley @ Melukavu for Trial run
Seven members of Team TYROVELOCE RACING with Charley (nick name of ATV made in 2022) have made a trial run on 02/01/2023 at Melukavu in the planation owned by Adv. Frinso Mathew. The trial run is based on the preliminary study towards the modification of the present ATV Charley model to suit the requirement of agricultural use for carrying fertilisers, agriculture products, heavy tools etc. upward and downward off-roads in large plantation areas (especially rubber cultivation lands). The team has successfully completed the trial run in the presence of various officials from Grama Panchayat & Block Panchayat and farmers. The team sought opinions from officials as well as from other spectators. Team discussions have started to modify the vehicle for agriculture suitable purpose. Link for the news: https://fb.watch/lIIfS8w7Yo/

6. Team TYROVELOCE RACING with Charley interviewed by Malayala Manorama Karshakasree magazine
Malayala Manorama Karshakasree magazine, a leading magazine in Kerala, has organized an interview with Team TYROVELOCE RACING with Charley at the SJCET Palai campus on 21/01/2023. Students along with faculty advisors have described about the journey of Team TYROVELOCE RACING since 2018. The detailed view along with the proper news published in Manoarama Karshakasree online media on 30/01/2023.

Team TYROVELOCE RACING with newly built-up all-wheel drive ATV named Delta has participated in SAEINDIA BAJA 2023 during 5 – 10 April 2022 at NATRAX, Pithampur, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. The team include 25 students in which 17 are final year students and 8 are pre-final year students. Faculty advisor Dr. Jilse Sebastian also accompanied the team for the competition. The new vehicle Delta got special appreciation from judges during the technical inspection stage. The team has reached up to the third stage of technical inspection rounds.
BAJA 2023 organisers arranged opportunities for placement drive through BAT program. All the team members attended the tests and four students placed in core companies through this way.

8. Lecture Meet organized by SAEINDIA Southern Section (SAEISS), Cochin Division
Date: 30/03/2023 (Thursday)
Venue: St. Joseph’s Block Seminar Hall
Resource Person: Mr. S. Shanmugam, Managing Director, Design Desk (India) Private Limited, Chennai
Topic: E-Mobility & Career Competency
SAEISS in association with SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of SJCET Palai and the Mechanical Engineering Department of the college organized a lecture meet on the title E-Mobility & Career Competency on 30th March 2023 during 2.30 – 4.00 p.m. The targeted audience was SAEINDIA Student members and a few aspiring second year Mechanical Engineering students who made a college level pre-registration. The session was entirely managed by the student volunteers of the collegiate club. Mr. Jeevan Ghosh proposed the welcome address followed by the description of the resource person by Mr. Ajaykrishna K O. The speaker started with the session with the current trend of EV –Mobility starting from USA to the status in INDIA.

The speaker has mentioned about the change of automotive sector during these days and commented the requirement of young engineers to build up a career in that field. He has discussed the battery technology system of Tesla in detail. During the lecture session itself, there was a few interactive discussions with the students too. In the later portion of the lecture session, speaker cited the opportunities of students competency invocation through stuendts centred events/activities of SAEISS. The lecture meet session concluded by 4.00 p.m. followed by the vote of thatnks proposal by Mr. George Joji. A memento was presented to the resource person by Mr. Tom Zacharia, Assiatant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SJCET Palai.
2021 – 22
Activity No. 1: Mega ATV Championship 2021
SAEINDIA collegiate club of SJCET participated in the Mega ATV Challenge 2021 (National Level competition) held during 10-13 April 2021 at Querim, Pernem, Goa. The sequence of events goes on as follows:

April 7, 2021 :FlagOff of Team Tyroveloce for Mega ATV Championship 2021 from St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Palai. Flagged off by Mr. Jame S Ottathil, Team captain of first Mega ATV Championship 2019.

Team Tyroveloce Racing from Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Palai breaking the ground at Mega ATV Championship conducted at Pernem, Goa.

Team Bravo [Tyroveloce Racing] is the first and only team from Kerala to succeed Safety test, Brake test, Drag Race, and Solo Dirt Race at first attempt.

Team Tyroveloce racing of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology Palai Secured 18th Rank (AIR) Out of 89 teams competed from all over India in MEGA ATV CHAMPIONSHIP Organised by Auto Sports India held at GOA.

Activity No. 2: Prize in Tier – III Competition (National Level)
A team consist of Emmanuel Shaji Mathew and Bilbin Mathew (both S6 ME students) bagged second prize in Lathe Thread Cutting & Taper turning competition of SAEINDIA Southern Section (National Competition) held during June 2021 conducted in online mode.

Activity No. 3: General Body meeting & Selection of Office bearers
General Body meeting of SAEINDIA collegiate club of SJCET is conducted at 04.30 p.m. in seminar hall of Mechanical Engineering Department. Agenda of meeting is selection of office bearers for the current academic year and discussion on club events. The office-bearers were lected during the meeting and listed is followed in the table:

Activity No. 4: Online lecture meet on Industry 4.0
SAEISS Cochin division in association with SAE Collegiate Club of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pala, Kerala 28th August 2021.The resource person was Dr. M. Bharathiraja Associate Professor & Head Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode. The topic of lecture was Industry 4.0. The session was held in online mode using G-meet as platform. About 80 students from various Engineering Colleges from Kerala have participated the same.
Activity No. 5: Tier -1 Competitions (SPECTRA 2021)
Tier-1 (intra-college) competitions are organized during 5th to 22nd of December 2021. Ten competitions are organized under the title SPECTRA’21. The competitions are organized either through on-line or through off-line mode as convenient. A volunteer team formulated to organize the competitions. Individual posters for each events are published. The events concluded on 22/12/2023 in which the results announced and college level prizes are distributed by HOD, ME.

2020 – 21

Activity No. 1: Efficycle 2020
Every year, at least one team of SJCET Palai participate in the onspot efficycle competition since 2018. SJCET team has a flagship name of TANDEM SQUAD which has versions from 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Efficycle 2020 team has the name of TANDEM SQUAD 3.0.
Due to the pandemic situation in 2020, the on spot running competition of efficycle is cancelled and the whole competition is organized in virtual mode in which the team should submit two sets of documents and should appear for the live presentation in two stages. The details of the documents submitted and the event dates are listed below:

Activity No.2: Mega ATV 2020 Championship
Team TYROVELOCE RACING has registered for the Mega ATV Championship planned to organize at Prenem, Goa during March 2020. The team has designed and fabricated the new buggy named BRAVO. The fabricated buggy has made test run at SJCET Palai main ground for practice of brake test and other TI events. The test drivers were Sen Sabu (S8 ME), Abin George (S6 ME) and Salvy Cherian (S4 ME). However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the on spot running competition of Mega ATV 2020 Championship is cancelled and proposed to conduct in 2021.

Activity 3: SAEINDIA Section Awards
Mr. Ebin Shibu (S8 ME) and Mr. Ashish Devasia Edasseril (S6 ME) have received SAEINDIA Section Foundation award with a cash scholarship of ₹ 4000/- each for the academic year 2019-20. The awards are achieved for their outstanding achievement as Engineering students in field of Mobility.

Activity No. 4: Tier -1 Competitions
For the selection of students for tier-II events (State Level), the SAEINDIA Collegiate club of SJCET Palai has organized intra-collegiate events (Tier-1 events) so that the winners alone are nominated to participate in section tier events. The events conducted are auto quiz, group discussion, mechanical CAD, work holding, welding, paper presentation and how things work. The duration of these competitions was between 15th to 20th of January 2020 during non-instructional hours (04.30 – 05.00 p.m.). The winners participated in the Tier-2 competitions held at TKMCE Kollam and Amal Jyotji CE Kanjirapallay during March 2020.
- Due to COVID-19 Pandemic situation, office bearers for 2020-21 election was not done. The crew of 2019-20 continued for the year 2020 – 21.
2019 – 20

Activity No. 1: 13-14 July2019
Student team of SJCET Palai (Team Name: TYROVELOCE RACING) has participated in Virtual BAJA competition held at Chitkara University Rajpura, Punjab during 13 – 14 July 2019. The team has presented four segments of presentation roll cage design, suspension analysis, cost analysis and business plan. The team is not selected for next level.

Activity No. 2: 19th – 21st July 2019
Team MAC3 from SJCET Palai qualified in Technical Inspection round of SAEISS Aero Design Challenge 2019 conducted by SAEINDIA Southern section at SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 19th – 21st, July 2019. The team include seven student members and Mr. Babusanker S, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering as faculty advisor who has accompanied the team during the event days.

Activity No. 3: 31st July 2019
Lecture meeting: St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology (SJCET) Palai hosted the Lecture Meeting of SAEINDIA Southern Section (Cochin Division) on 31/08/2019 (Saturday). The topic of discussion was Internal Combustion Engine Emission Control Technologies. Mr. P. Arjunraj, Manager-Powertrain, R&D PSA AVTEC Powertrain Pvt. Ltd., Hosur was the resource person for the expert talk.

Activity No. 4: 19th September 2019
Flag Off – Efficycle2019: Efficycle constructed by Team TANDEM SQUAD 2.0 of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai was Flagged Off on 19/09/2019 at 5.00 p.m. in front of Main Block. SJCET Chairman Msgr. Dr. Joseph Malepparampil made the Flag Off and Fr. Mathew Koramkuzha, Vice Chairman SJCET has delivered the blessing note in the presence of Dr. J. David, Principal SJCET Palai. The vehicle was send to Punjab on the same day. The Team has participated at National Efficycle 2019 Competition Organised by SAEINDIA at Lovely Professional University – LPU, Punjab during 1 – 5 October 2019.

Activity No. 5: 1 -5 October 2019
Efficycle2019: Team TANDEM SQUAD 2.0 of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai has participated at National Efficycle 2019 Competition Organised by SAEINDIA at Lovely Professional University – LPU, Punjab during 1 – 5 October 2019.Mr. Anooplal B, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering has accompanied the team for the event. The team has successfully completed all the TI (Technical Inspection) sessions and selected for drive test. However, due to the brake disc damage during drive test, the team was not able to appear for final endurance test. The team performance has improved positively in comparison to the 2018 team who has reached up to TI 3 session.

Activity 6: 14th October 2019
Office Bearers Selection: The selection of class representatives is conducted during the class hours. From each Mechanical Engineering class, two representatives are selected (except final years where only one representatives from each class) and the crew members are selected from the representatives. The selected crew members for the current academic year (2019-20) are:

Activity 7: 11th November 2019
SAEINDIA Collegiate club of SJCET Palai organised an invited talk on the topic ‘Talent and Dream Key to Success’ on 11th November 2019 at DBIII Seminar Hall during 1.35 – 4.00 p.m. The resource person for the invited talk was Mr. Basil Eldhose, General Manager, Popular Hyundai Kerala. The meeting started with the welcome address of Dr. Rajesh Baby, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering and proceeded with the talk by the resource person. The talk was an interactive type in which he has descried his life experience with student members. The talk extended for 90 min without tea break. About 100 student members have participated the talk sessions. Students who were the team members of SAEINDIA BAJA completion and Aeromodelling competitions were felicitated by distributing their participation certificates for the corresponding competitions at the end of this talk session.

Activity 8: 14th November 2019
SAEINDIA Collegiate club of SJCET Palai arranged a placement drive of Popular Hyundai Kerala for the benefit of Mechanical Engineering final year students on 14th November 2019. The drive aimed towards placement segments of service manager, sales manager and plant manager posts at different centers of Popular Hyundai Kerala. Mr. Jobin Jose, HR Manager Popular Hyundai, Ernakulam Head office has led the placement team. The drive started with a pre-placement talk by the HR manager followed by direct interview of student in three different segments of service manager, sales manager and plant manager. About 60 students have participated in the placement drive in which almost 22 students have selected for the final interview at head office of Popular Hyundai Kerala.
2018 – 19
Activity No.1: 27th February to 27th June 2018
A training programme was conducted for the SAE BAJA Team members on Automotive Design and Manufacturing Technology during a period of four months (from 27th February to 27th June 2018). The classes were arranged during the non-instructional hours of working days (say 4.45 p.m. – 6.45 p.m.) and during day time on weekends and holidays. The classes were led by Mr. Anuradh supported by Mr. Vipin Raj from Tahir Sports, Kottarakkara. Based on the training, the student team was prepared for the Virtual BAJA completion.

Activity No. 2: 13 – 14 July 2018
Student team of SJCET Palai (Team Name: TYROVELOCE) has participated in Virtual BAJA competition held at Chitkara University Rajpura, Punjab during 13 – 14 July 2018. The team has presented four segments of presentation roll cage design, suspension analysis, cost analysis and business plan. The members of team who participated are listed below:
Activity No. 3: August 2018
SAEINDIA Collegiate club has opened a bank account in South Indian Bank, Choondacherry. Name and account no. is SAEINDIA Collegiate club of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology Palai, 0708053000006138.

Activity No. 4: 9th September 2018
General Body meeting of SAEINDIA collegiate club of SJCET is conducted at 04.30 p.m. in room no. DB-II 108. Agenda of meeting is selection of office bearers for the current academic year and discussion on club events. The office-bearers for academic year 2018-19 are:
Activity No. 5: 18th September 2018
An awareness program was organised about the topic “Introduction SAE” for the benefit of first year students on 18/09/2019 at Main Block seminar hall during 1.35 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. Mr. Ebin Shibu James, S5 Mechanical Engineering student has engaged the seminar session. He has given introduction about SAEINDIA, its sections & divisions, benefits of SAEINDIA membership and opportunities of SAE events.

Activity No. 6: 26th September 2018
FLAG OFF of the first ever Efficycle constructed by Team TANDEM SQUAD of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai has conducted in front of Main Block of SJCET by 4.40 p.m. on 26th September 2018. SJCET Manager Fr. Mathew Koramkuzha has made the Flag Off and delivered the blessing note. Dr. J. David, Principal SJCET Palai has inaugurated the first ride by cutting the ribbon. The vehicle was send to Punjab on 28th September 2019. The Team will be participating at National Efficycle 2018 Competition Organised by SAEINDIA at Lovely Professional University – LPU, Punjab during 9-13 October 2018.

Activity No. 7: 3rd to 11th October 2019
SAEINDIA Collegiate club of SJCET conducted five sets of Tier -1 competitions in intra-collegiate level during 3rd to 11th October 2019. The purpose of organizing Tier-1 competitions is to make team selection for Tier-2 competitions. The list competitions and the winners are listed below:

Activity No. 8: 9th -13th October 2018
Efficycle2018: Team TANDEM SQUAD of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai has participated at National Efficycle 2018 competition organised by SAEINDIA Northern Section at Lovely Professional University, Punjab during 9-13 October 2018. Mr. Sachin Jose, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering has accompanied the team for the event.

Activity No. 9: 9th and 16th February 2019
Thirteen students of SAEINDIA Collegiate club of SJCET participated in Tier-2 competitions organized at TKM College of Engineering Kollam on 9th February 2019. Seventeen students participated in Tier-2 competitions organized at RIT Kottayam on 16th February 2019.
The winners are:
Design & CAD (Ist Prize) – Karthik C Nair (S8 ME B), Nrupan Sateesh (S8 ME B), Ebin Shibu (S6 ME A)
Mobile App Development (IInd Prize) – Reon Saji (S6 CSE B), Ron George (S6 CSE B)
Technical Paper Presentation – Ebin Shibu (S6 ME A), Nevin Mathew (S6 ME A)
The winners were selected for the Tier-3 competitions.

Activity No. 10: 15th March 2019
Flag off of first ever All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) of SJCET Palai is conducted on 15th March 2019 at 4.30 p.m. in front of main block. The ATV is Flagged Off by Dr. J. David, Principal SJCET Palai and Fr. Mathew Koramkuzha, Vice-Chairman has delivered the blessing note. Team ‘TYROVELOCE’ will be participating in the National ATV Competition ‘Mega ATV Championship 2019’ to be held at Querim,GOA during 18th to 20th March 2019. The vehicle has send to the event venue on the same day.

Activity No. 11: 18th to 20th March 2019
First ever All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) team of SJCET Palai team TYROVELOCE RACING has participated in National Level ATV competition held at GOA during 18th to 20th March 2019. The team consist of 30 students and Dr. Jilse Sebastian as Faculty advisor. The team has successfully completed the three TI sessions. Team ride in all the test drives including Straight race, Mud race and Armageddon race. The team entered the final endurance race and successfully completed six laps (each lap 9.4 km) before the brakeage of its suspension. The team is listed 36th position in the all India ranking.

Activity No. 12: 29 – 30 March 2019
Student members who are winners of Tier-2 events have participated in SAEINDIA National Convention held at Bennari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu during 29 – 30 March 2019. Two of our teams have achieved the prizes in three different events. The prize details are mentioned in the below photograph.
2017 – 18
Activity No.1: 20th September 2017
A seminar was conducted about the topic “Introduction to BAJA and Efficycle competitions” of SAEINDIA. Mr. Abhinav Binulal, S5 Mechanical Engineering student has engaged the seminar session. He has given introduction about SAEINDIA, its sections & divisions, benefits of SAEINDIA membership and opportunities of SAE events. The seminar was conducted at Main Block seminar hall during 1.10 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.

Activity No. 2: 22nd to 28th September 2017
SAEINDIA Collegiate club of SJCET conducted four sets of Tier -1 competitions in intra-collegiate level. The purpose of organizing Tier-1 competitions is to make team selection for Tier-2 competitions organized under Cochin division of SAEINDIA Southern Section at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam. The results of the competitions are:

Activity No. 3: 8th February 2018
A talk was organized about the BAJA SAE and SUPRA SAE on 08/02/2018 at Main Block Seminar Hall during 4.30 pm. -5.30 p.m. The talk was conducted by an expert team from Tahir Sports, Kottarakkara. Mr. Anuradh has lead the session supported by Mr. Vipin Raj followed by the vote of thanks by Mr. Jilse Sebastian, Faculty Adviser, SAEINDIA Collegiate Club of SJCET.

Activity No. 4: 24th February 2018
Students have participated in Tier-2 competitions conducted at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam. The list of nominated students for Tier-2 competitions are:

Activity No. 5: 15th March 2018
An invited talk was organized on the topic ” Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles” on 15th March 2018 during 4.00 p.m. 5.30 p.m. at Main Block seminar hall. Resource person was Mr. Georgekutty Kariyanapally, CEO, Kariyanappally Automobiles, Cochin. He has shared his experience on solar utility instruments and has described the assembly of Electric Auto rickshaw manufactured and Kariyanappally Automobiles, Cochin, Kerala. He has contributed one book named ‘Keralam Sourorjathilekk’authored by him to central library of SJCET Palai.

Activity No. 6: 30-31 March 2018
Nine students in various teams has participated in SAE INDIA’s National Student Convention, hosted by MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana during 30-31 March 2018. Tier-3 competitions were organized along with Student National Convention. One of our team constituting Jame S. Ottathil and Allwyn Kuruvilla Ambat, students of S6 Mechanical Engineering secured First position in the Business Plan presentation. They competed against various colleges and presented their Electric vehicle business plan with a jury including General Manager of Mahindra Electric, Chennai Division. Also Mathew George, student of S6 Mechanical Engineering for securing Third position in CAD drawing.