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Saritha M S

/Saritha M S
Saritha M S 2024-11-14T06:49:38+00:00

Prof. Saritha M S

Assistant Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Mobile Number: +91 9846506714

Sl.NoQualification Institution Specialization Year of passing
1M.TechGovt. Engineering College Hill,Trivandrum,BartonIT-Network Engineering2018
2B. TechCollege Of Engineering,CherthalaComputer Science & Engineering2016
Sl.NoInstitution Position held Period
1St.Kuriakose Public School,Kaduthu ruthyTeacher in Computer science department1/6/2020-31/04/2022
2BTC College Of Engineering and Technology,KoothattukulamAssistant professor1/1/2019-31/1/2020
3St.Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology, Palai Assistant Professor16-04-2022 - 14-08-2024
  1. Published paper “A novel Approach for detecting ,extracting and ranking based search for algorithms in bigdata” on IJCSM Vol.10.Issue.4.2024.ISSN:2455-1910
  1. Attended and presented paper on “Using deep learning to extract algorithmic metadatafrom entire academic documents” was presented in the Sixth International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2024(ICAECT 2024)organised by Sengunthar Engineering College(Autonomous) TamilNadu.
  2. Attended and presented paper on “A novel Approach for detecting ,extracting and ranking based search for algorithms in bigdata”  4th International conference on Recent trends in Engineering and technology held at Coimbatore.
  3. Attended National Conference on recent trends in computing and communication(NCRTCC 2018)held at Adisankara college,Kalady from 26 Feb to 27 Feb 2018 for 2 days.
  4. Attended fifth National conference on emerging technologies (NCET 2016) held at Govt Engineering College, Barton hill, Trivandrum from 19 Aug to 20 Aug 2016 for 2
  5. FDP on one week national level faculty development programme CLOUD INFRASTRUTURE (AWS) from 21 to 25 August 2023.