A strong foundation in basic science and humanities will definitely provide the students with a suitable platform for the development of analytical skills and attainment of professional competence. Under the leadership of DR. JYOTHIS THOMAS, the Department of Science & Humanities of SJCET provides all our students superb exposure in various disciplines such as Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Engineering chemistry, Soft skills, Economics, Physical & Cultural education. We do our best to inculcate in our students a natural flair for engineering and technology.
The Science & Humanities Department also co-ordinates various activities to induce the best humane values through moral classes, guidance and counseling sessions, Jesus Youth activities, yoga and meditation. Students are encouraged to get training in various sports and games. They also get fitness training under the guidance of our Physical Education Director at the well equipped gymnasium. To sharpen the communication and language skills the department maintains a top class Multi-media Language lab. Competent, dedicated and experienced personnel of Science & Humanities department play a vital role in moulding students to become excellent engineers.
Holistic development of engineering graduates with updated knowledge in basic sciences and humanities.
- To impart knowledge regarding the basic concepts in Mathematics, Science, Economics & Life Skills.
- To improve the analytical skills for the application of mathematical and scientific techniques in engineering.
- To motivate the students for seeking careers related to engineering technology.
The objective of the department is to build a strong foundation in Mathematics, Sciences and Humanities so that these skills can be applied effectively in technological environment.
- To provide the best available basic knowledge & day to day innovations to the student community
- To facilitate the faculty to enhance their knowledge & skills, the required internet accessibility is provided.
- To train the faculty and technical staff to utilize and develop effective teaching-learning modules and to adopt the modern trends in Education Technology concepts and media.
- To encourage teachers to actively take part in arranging National and International level workshops, seminars and conferences.

Engineering Chemistry Lab
Laboratory work has been given a central and distinctive role in the Chemistry education. As the technology rests on the firm foundation of science, Chemistry is an excellent way to help technical students to understand the relationship between science and technology. Experimental work plays a very important role in it.
Chemistry Lab in in our college is well equipped to design and execute the experiments and interpret the results obtained henceforth. The Chemistry Lab which caters to the needs of First year B.Tech students has equipment’s for conducting the experiments of the course and also the interdisciplinary projects.
Presently Chemistry lab accommodates the objective of better understanding of syllabus of 1st year B.Tech and absorbs the theory along with implementing it practically. Chemistry lab can presently accommodate 30 students working at the same time in a session. Students conduct experiment in a group of two to learn team work and help each other for the same. The titrations are conducted individually by the student.
Engineering Chemistry Lab incorporates the experiments which involve the volumetric estimation of chemicals, estimation of ores, preparation of polymers and determination of various properties of water samples. This lab comprises of the sophisticated instruments like colourimeter, Conductivity meter, pH meter, Flame Photometer, and Spectrophotometer etc. along with the other relevant glass wares, reagents and materials to be studied.
Well prepared laboratory manuals for all experiments facilitate easy reference and aid students to execute the experiments. Lab is operational daily for 4 hours, during which one faculty member and two lab instructors are present for guidance. Well observed activity time and strict discipline is adhered to ensuring quality work and safety of both personnel and equipment.

Engineering Physics Lab
Experimental work involves measurement and analysis of various data to verify the laws and principles of different branches of Physics. Laboratory work plays a significant role in the development of the ability of observation, logical analysis of results and analytical skill of students.
The experiments in Engineering Physics are designed to impact practical knowledge about some of the phenomena that the students have learnt in Engineering Physics course and to enhance the experimental skills of students. The main objective is learning by doing. The students are given exposure to a number of measuring instruments in various areas of Physics and Engineering.
A well-equipped Physics lab which can accommodate a batch of 30 students provides ample facilities for performing experiments both individually and as a team. The lab has sophisticated measuring instruments such as CRO, He-Ne laser source, Spectrometer, Polari meter, Newton’s Rings Apparels etc.
Laboratory manual which describes the theoretical background and methodology of experimental observation provides guidance to students in the lab performance. Members of faculty and lab instructions ensure good discipline in the lab and proper handling of the apparatus.