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Sreejith V

/Sreejith V
Sreejith V 2019-01-12T02:46:03+00:00

Prof. Sreejith V

Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mobile Number: +91 9447372100
Date of joining SJCET: 15/01/2013
Association with the institution: Regular

Sl.No Qualification University Year of passing Specialization
1 B.Tech MG university,


2009 Electronics and communication  Engineering
2 M.Tech MG university,


2013 Communication Engineering

Date of joining SJCET                                      : 15-01-2013

Status as on date of joining                             : Assistant Professor

Present status                                                     : Assistant Professor

Previous Experience

Industrial Experience                                      : 1 year

Teaching Experience                                        :  Nil

Sl. No Name of the college/Industry Designation Experience                ( Years & Months)
1 Doordarshan Kochi Internship 12th March to12th June 2012
2 BSNL Apprentice trainee Aug to Nov 2010

(4 months)

3 Neptune Technologies Service engineer of ATM Machines June to Sep 2009
Sl. No Name of Institution Type of Membership Membership ID
1. ISTE Life Member LM104084

Sl. No


Name of Training/Workshop Year & Date (Duration) Organizer
1  MHRD-AICTE Sponsored FDP on “Image Computing and Application(ICA)” June 2013.  NIT Calicut
2 Two week ISTE Workshop on “Analog Electonics” 4th june to 14 th june 2013. Conducted by IIT Kharagpur, held at SJCET Plalai
3 FDP on “Instructional Design & Deliver System” 24-to 28th june2013 SJCET Palai
4 FEEL TEACHER 12th to 14th Dec.2013 CLHRD
5 Two week ISTE Workshop on “Signals and System ” 2nd Jan to 12th Jan 2014. Conducted by IIT Kharagpur, held at SJCET Plalai
6 STTP on “Optical Communication System Design” 3rd Feb to 8th Feb 2014. RIT Kottayam
7 STTP on “optics and optical communication” 07/03/17-09/03/17 sponsored by TEQIP- held at College Of Engineering, Kidangoor
8 Guidance and Counselling 4th to 8th December 2017 ISTE Staff chapter, SJCET Palai
9 STTP on NBA Accreditation 2018 MBC peerumedu
10 STTP on NBA Accreditation 2018 SJCET Palai
Sl. No Title/ Topic  Date & Duration Sponsors
1 Workshop on “ Circuit Simulation & PCB Design using Proteus” 18th June 2013 IEEE
2 IMAC 2013 22nd and 23rd of March, 2013 IEEE & SJCET, Palai
3 RAREST 2016 20th to 21st Aug. 2016 SJCET, Palai
4 RAREST 2018 20th to 21st Aug. 2018 SJCET, Palai

International Journals

Sl.No Title of Paper Name of journal Publisher Year, Volume & ISSN/ISBN No.
1 Sreejith V, Srijith K, Rajesh Cherian Roy “Robust Blind Digital Watermarking in Contourlet Domain”


International Journal of Computer Application.  IJCA 2013// 12/9333-3639


International Conferences

Sl. No.  Title of the Paper Name of the Conference Venue & Date
1 A Review on White Blood Cells Segmentation RAREST 2018 ( IOP Journal of Physics Conference Series) SJCET Palai 20th to 21st Aug. 2018
2 A review on visual recognition of RGB images and videos by learning from RGB-D data. RAREST 2018 ( IOP Journal of Physics Conference Series) SJCET Palai 20th to 21st Aug. 2018
3. A Study on Solitons in Optical Communication Systems 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) 17-20 Dec. 2015
4. Optical Solitons Based Communication Systems ROCKS’15 ROYAL College of Engg. & Tech.

26th to 28th March 2015

Sl. No Title/ Topic Year & Duration Organizer
1 Hands own workshop “Arduino board” June 2016 College of Engineering Kidangoor
2 Lecture on “Digital communication –vector space Concepts” Aug 2016 College of Engineering Kidangoor