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Student Counseling

/Student Counseling
Student Counseling 2024-03-20T08:04:24+00:00


Counselling can offer you a space to talk and think about problems and difficulties, and many people find it helpful to be able to do this with someone who is not a friend or family member. Counsellors are not the same as doctors and psychiatrists, and cannot prescribe medication. Counselling is not about giving advice, but can help you understand difficulties. Your counsellor can work with you to help you make decisions and changes that may work better for you.

Counseling by experts are available in SJCET for students having problems with their studies and personal habits.

  • Sr. Theresia Joice Varghese (M.Sc. Counselling & Psychology)
  • Ms. Mathew Henah Binny (Counseling Psychologist)

On Call

  • Dr. Sr. Prashanthi, BSc, MBBS DPM, DVD(Consultant Psychiatrist & Dermatologist)
  • Dr. D. George, DMSP, MA(psy.)Ph.D., FIACP (Consultant Clinical Psychologist)

The methodology followed in SJCET for the student Counseling is unique and fruitful since very many years. We do have follow-up sessions in needed cases and it is up to the discretion of the counselor. As a result we see some noticeable changes in the behavior of our students and their confidence level and their ability to work hard has increased considerably.

Faculty In Charge