1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai follows a well-planned, defined and well documented process for curriculum delivery. All processes are strictly adhering to the APJAKTU prescribed Academic Calendar. The process flow for implementation, both through direct classroom teaching methods, Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities is shown pictorially here in. Documentary evidences are attached, which are also elaborated in subsequent criterions as well.

To briefly articulate the process, SJCET welcomes newly admitted class 12 students into the new environment of professional education with a specifically designed Induction Program. Subsequently, strictly adhering to Academic Calendar, Subject/Course are allocated, Timetable is prepared, Course Plan is charted, verified and approved, Content is delivered through various methods including pedagogical methods and ICT enabled methods, documentary evidences of all activities are well maintained in the Course File and Course Diary, Student Assessments are performed through prescribed Continuous Internal Evaluation and
End Semester University Examination, Remedial Classes and Personal Mentoring is organized for needy students, Co-Curricular & Extracurricular Activities are organized and encouraged, and finally Result Analysis and Course Attainment is computed and deliberated upon for continuous improvement.
The entire process is subject to Academic Audit, both Internal and by the APJAKYU for adherence to academic regulations and calendar.
Links to documentary evidences, some of which are further articulated in subsequent criterions as well, are below.
Semester wise Time Table Preparation : S4 Time Table : S6 Time Table : S8 Time Table
Course Plan, Content Delivery and Internal assessments documented in course diary: Theory Course
Course Plan, Content Delivery and Internal assessments documented in course diary: Laboratory Course